صعبة المنال1234
اذا كان قصدك على هذي القطرة ترها كلام فاضي اشتريتها بسعر غالي ولافادتني استخدمتها 3أشهر نصحتني فيها دكتورة الله يستر عليها بس
اذا كان قصدك على هذي القطرة ترها كلام فاضي اشتريتها بسعر غالي ولافادتني استخدمتها 3أشهر نصحتني...
ماادري حياتي انا باقي ماشريتها واللي في الصوره مو مبين اسمها واللي اقصدها اسمها ميلاكلير
ياليت تكتبين اسم قطرتك
والف مليون شكر على الرد ورفع الموضوع:26: والله يجعلها في موازين حسناتكم
عبــ الورد ـير
دمعة غزة
دمعة غزة
اختي الكريم لقد قمت بالبحث عن هدا المنتوج وهدا ما وجدت

skin, often the face, develop dark spots or patches. Common forms are known as ‘age-spots’, ‘liver spots’, and freckles. Larger areas of darkened skin are known as melasma.
Darkening of the skin occurs when an excess of melanin (the brown pigment that produces normal skin colour) forms deposits in the skin. The main causes of this effect are sun damage, skin inflammations, acne and hormonal changes.
MelaClear - an intense depigmenting care serum has been expertly formulated to prevent and reduce melanin production and enhance and lighten hyperpigmented skin.
With regular twice daily use over a 2 month period MelaClear serum reduces the free radicals that trigger melanin synthesis, blocks and reduces melanin production and significantly increases exfoliation of hyperpigmented cells clearing and renewing the skin.
The use of high level UVA/UVB sun protection is very important during an after depigmenting care. Melaclear very high protection sunscreen has been specifically formulated for this use.
Directions for use

MelaClear depigmenting care serum should be applied twice daily to the area of hyperpigmentation.
Disperse a drop of serum onto your finger and gently massage into the required area and allow to absorb. Continue to apply in the same manner to all areas that require treatment.
MelaClear serum penetrates rapidly and leaves the skin feeling soft and conditioned. Use for 2 to 3 months is often required to achieve the desired visible effect with the first visible response taking approx 4 to 6 weeks.
Avoidance of prolonged exposure to sunlight and use of MelaClear Sunscreen SPF 50+ is highly recommended.

Whilst sunlight is essential for life, over-exposure is the greatest challenge facing our skin.
Sun or photo-damage is caused by Ultraviolet radiation (UV) in the forms of UVA and UVB.
UVA makes up 95% of UV; it penetrates deep into the dermis and damages skin, even on cloudy days and in winter. UVA accelerates ageing of the skin by triggering free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) that damage collagen, elastin and the underlying skin architecture. Furthermore it can cause immediate pigmentation problems, skin reactions and most seriously it reduces the skins natural defence mechanisms and can cause skin cancer.
UVB only penetrates the upper epidermal layer of the skin and is more prevalent on sunny days and during the summer. It tans the skin but can rapidly cause reddening, burning and epidermal damage and most seriously UVB also reduces the skins natural defence mechanisms and can cause skin cancer.
MelaClear Sunscreen SPF 50+ is an expertly formulated, cosmetically elegant sunscreen which provides:
Maximum protection
MelaClear Sunscreen SPF 50+ with its high content of advanced mineral sunscreen filters provides maximum protection against UVA & UVB radiation.
Complexion enhancement
MelaClear Sunscreen SPF 50+ contains carefully selected skin tinting agents which blend evenly and smoothly with the majority of skin tones to provide a natural looking tint to the skin. In addition these skin tints reduce the appearance of skin blemishes and can also reduce the need to apply additional products such as foundations and concealers.
MelaClear Sunscreen SPF 50+ also contains high levels of skin conditioning agents.
Directions for Use
Apply in the morning after use of MelaClear serum and any other anti-ageing skin care products.
Gently and thoroughly massage until absorbed ensuring complete coverage of area of hyperpigmentation and face and décolléte. Water resistant and suitable for all skin types. Reapply MelaClear Sunscreen every 2-3 hours during periods of high sun exposure.
When used in conjunction with MelaClear Serum, apply serum first and allow ro absorb. Once serum is absorbed, apply Melaclear Sunscreen SPF 50+ as advised above.
