
ms_glitter @ms_glitter

عضوة جديدة

كعكة الحظ الصينية

الحلويات الشرقية والغربية

هذي طريقة كعكة الحظ الصينيه
اتمنى ان وحده اترجمها من انجليزي لي عربي
و اتدزها بهالموضوع

5 tablespoons unsalted butter
4 egg whites
1 cup superfine sugar
1 cup sifted all-purpose flour
1 pinch salt
3 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
1 teaspoon almond extract (in a pinch, vanilla extract will do)
Silpat or parchment paper
Muffin tin

step 1Prep Work
Write or type fortunes onto paper and then cut them into thin strips. Set these aside.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Cover a baking sheet with a Silpat (a silicone-coated nonstick sheet). Parchment paper will also work, but I dare you to try the Silpat and not rave about how it’s improved your baking life.

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step 2Prepare the Batter
Melt butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Or microwave it —no big whoop.

Use an electric mixer to combine egg whites and sugar; beat on medium speed until you have a frothy mixture.

Fold in the flour and salt; mix again.

Add butter, heavy cream, and almond extract; beat until mixed.

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step 3Bake
Pour one tablespoon batter onto the baking surface and spread it into a thin four-inch circle.

Repeat up to three times for a total of four cookies.

Shove those puppies into the oven and bake until just the edges turn golden brown, about eight to 10 minutes.

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step 4The Fun Part- Folding!
When the cookies are finished baking, it’s time to shape them and add the fortunes. You’ll only have about ten seconds before each cookie hardens, so get ready to work fast!

Put on rubber gloves if you have them to protect your paws from the hot cookies.

Slide a spatula under a cookie, lift it up, place a fortune in the middle, and fold the cookie in half.

Plop it into the muffin tin to hold its shape. Repeat the process with the other cookies.

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step 5Variations
Add a bit of cocoa powder to the batter to make chocolate-flavored cookies.

Before pouring the cookies onto the cookie sheet, set aside some batter and add a drop of food coloring. Pour the cookie, add a bit and then swirl the colored batter around the non-colored batter. You can make little shapes or go for a tie-dyed look.

تمت الترجمة بواسطة الأخت فراولة سويت جزاها الله خير..

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

تسلم الأيادي
لولوة قلبي
لولوة قلبي
:26: :26: :26:
:26: :26: :26:
:26: :26: :26:
السلام عليكم ...
مشكورين كلكم عشان ترجمتوها
انا كنت ادور احد يترجمها
بعدين قررت اكتبها بالمنتدى
مشكورين مره ثانيه
:) :) :)
فراولة سويت
فراولة سويت
تم ادراج ترجمة الأخت فراولة سويت تحت الوصفة الأساسية..

مع جزيل الشكر للأخت فراولة..


تسلم الأيادي عيوني..

وربي يعطيج العافية ويبارك فيج الغالية..

تنقل الوصفة من المقبلات للحلويات..


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