
Rania91 @rania91

عضوة فعالة

كيف أختار موضوع البحث العلمي

الطالبات والمعلمات

مسا الخير
كنت أبحث عن كيفية البدء بالبحث العلمي هي ماده مقرره اسمها
Research Methodology
مطلوب البحث عن موضوع ماني عارفه كيف ابدا
وفي البدايه حابه اعمل عن الe-learning(اذا في مواضيع مقترحه ارحب بها )
بس ماني عارفه كيف اجيب العناصر الفرعيه للموضوع
وكمان كيف اجيب اسئله معينه تختص بنفس موضوع البحث واناقشها
وحابه اطلع على بحوث سابقه لمعرفه التفاصيل هل هناك مواقع معينه أو كلمه بحث معينه تفيد في مطلبي
وكمان كيف اعمل خطة البحث
وكيف احصل على ماده البحث بكل دقه
طبعا بالانجليزي

انتظر ردودكم الطيبه

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

هلا فيك .. انا سويت بحث عن التدريب والتعليم
يمكن يفيدك راح اعطيك التيبل اوف كونتنت هنا وبعدين اذا تبغي مساعده ارسلي لي على الخاص

 Executive Summary

Development and learning 0f the employees is considered the most important subject in most of the organizations. The organizations concentrate its efforts on this subject. Especially, in the recent years the science improvement, technology improvement effected the world and business. From here the organizations insist meeting those improvements and revise its policies, goals and activities to develop its employees and let them gain the information, knowledge, trends, skills and use these elements to achieve its goals and perform its functions efficienciently and promptly.

The human is the main elements who can use and put all his capabilities, utilities to achieve the goals, so that it is very important to let him have a high competency, and upgrading to do his tasks perfectly and promote his performance. The organizations relied the employees development one of their strategies and this approves its importance.

In my paper I chose to do my research on the fashion organization. And offered all the learning and developing the employees principles, concepts, theories, conditions and the ways in the paper. Then apply them on the organization according to its capabilities and the interview which I made with the organization's employees. Then, deduce the defects in the organization or the advantages in the organization.

I presented the interview answers and added my perspective according to the development and training methods and according to what I realized in the organization such as their performances, efforts, finance, budget, utilities, location, reputation, activities, and the management. I also referred some of my perspectives to enhance my views and benefit the references and transferred them here.

Finally, I recommended some points which may be useful in increasing the training and learning efficiency if they used it in the organization and wrote the employees recommendations as well.

بس انتبهي لان الجامعة حافظة حقوق البحث يعني انتبهي لا تنسخي شيء لان الجامعة ممكن تقاضيك من وراية :) بس خذي الافكار وشوفي اذا ممكن يخدمك البحث
هذا التيبل اوف كونتنت يمكن يفيدك في اختيار المواضيع الفرعية
the development
the employees development
The learning
The learning mean
The learning principles
The learning condition
The learning theories
The Training
The training mean
Why the training is important
The methods and the ways of the training
The training ways
The audio and the optical technologies
The training Conditions.
Conclusions and Recommendations
هذي المراجع ممكن تفيدك :
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