راسلت شركة HP لأن لابتوبي منها بطبيعة الحال وسألتهم عن صحة الأقوال أعلاه وعن أفضل طريقة لاستخدام البطارية وجاني الرد التالي :
Dear Murad,
Thank you for contacting HP Total Care.
From your E-mail, I understand that you would like to know about the battery care practices to be followed in order to save the life time of the battery.
I greatly appreciate that you have forwarded your concerns and have given me a chance to assist you with this matter. Please be assured that we are here to assist you and our goal is to make your E-mail support experience a wonderful one and I assure you that I will assist you with the best of my resources.
Murad, I would like to inform you that the notebook circuitry is designed in such a way that, once the battery is completely charged, the voltage to the internal battery charger is cut off automatically avoiding the overloading of the battery and the power will directly be supplied to the notebook through Ac adapter. Hence, I would like to share that the battery will not expire after using it for few days.
However, in order to increase the life time of the battery, I am providing you with the Battery care practices to be followed and I recommend you to perform the below steps:
* Store Li-Ion batteries between 20°C and 25°C (68°F and 77°F) with 30% to 50% charge.
* Do not leave batteries exposed to high temperatures for extended periods. Prolonged exposure to heat (for example, inside a hotcar) will accelerate the deterioration of Li-Ion cells.
* Remove the battery if the notebook will be stored (turned OFF and not plugged into AC power) for more than 2 weeks.
* Remove the battery from the notebook if the notebook will be plugged into AC power continuously.
* If you normally use ac power, make a practice of using the battery as your powersource at least once a week.
* Periodically calibrate the battery based on the usage model. Under normal usage, batteries should be calibrated a minimum of once every 3 months; however, a battery that is rarely discharged fully should be calibrated about once a month.
* For long-term storage, the battery must be charged 20–50% to minimize capacity loss by self-discharge and to avoid deterioration of performance. Storing a fully charged battery can cause higher self-discharge and reduce its discharge capacity—even after recharging—as compared to a battery stored when charged 20–50%.
Hope, I have addressed your concerns thoroughly. If you need further assistance, please reply to this message and I will be happy to assist you further.
For information on keeping your HP and Compaq products up and running, please visit our Web site at: http://www.hp.com/go/totalcare
HP Total Care
ترجمة مختصرة للمفيد من الرد اللي فوق
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5- اذا كنت من مستعملي التيار الكهربائي بشكل مستمر فـ لمرة واحدة كل اسبوع خل اللابتوب يشتغل ع البطارية6- بشكل دوري لابد من افراغ البطارية ، للاستخدام العادي لابد ان يتمهالشي مرة كل 3 أشهر على أقل تقدير " الاستخدام العادي اتوقع يعني اللي كلشوي شابكها وفاصلها وشاحنها " ، للمستخدم اللي نادراً ما تفضى بطاريتهفلازم يسوي هالشي مرة بالشهر << مثلي
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