زهرة حلوة

زهرة حلوة @zhr_hlo

عضوة نشيطة

لعشاق الاندومي شي خطير؟؟؟؟؟

علاج السمنة والنحافة

يعني باختصار شديد ..الإندومي لم تثبت الأبحاث أنه مسبب لسرطان ، و لكن ينصح بالتخفيف من تناوله لتجنب أي آثار ضارة أخرى ناتجة عن المادة الموجودة فيه

شو صاير بالناس عم يحطوا السرطان بكل شي بناكله؟؟؟؟

For making sure of the the below info and clarification, I did some research and asked a couple of experts. Please read the following on the subject:

Monosodiumglutamate - E621 -
Monosodium glutamate, also known as MSG, Ve-tsin or E621 is used as a flavour enhancing agent, in many kinds of food products to enhance their original flavour. Glutamate is found naturally in virtually all protein-containing foods such as meat, poultry, seafood, vegetables and milk. The amount of glutamate used in foods is usually within the range of 0.1% to 0.8% of the food as it is served.

Origin and function in the body
Monosodium glutamate, is a salt of glutamic acid, one of the 20 amino acids making up proteins. Glutamate occurs naturally in meat, fish, vegetables or grain products in the protein-bound form and in tomato, milk, potato, soy sauce, and cheese. Besides its natural occurrence, it can be added to many foods, such as soups, sauces, crisps and savory processed foods. Many Asian dishes are characterized by the taste of glutamate which comes from natural origin like soy, fish, paultry, pork, milk, or from industrialized processes. The commercial production of monosodium glutamate is carried out through bacterial fermentation. The bacteria (Corynebacterium glutamicus ) are grown in a liquid medium containing sugars, molasses or starch as a fermentation substrate. Glutamic acid thus accumulates in the medium and is later separated by filtration, purified and converted by neutralization, purification, crystallization, and drying, into a white powder of monosodium glutamate.

Side effects of MSG
Many years ago reports were published indicating that asthmatic subjects could suffer from asthma attacks after the consumption of food containing monosodium glutamate. Similar trials were performed with people said to be suffering from headaches, dizziness and other (neurological) problems. Often these problems were due to the increase of sodium and the lack of enough moisture in the body. The results of numerous researches performed on monosodium glutamate allow to consider it as a generally safe food ingredient. However, many claims against it can be found, varying from cardiac, neurological to respiratory complaints in cases of large doses, which may lead to subjective symptoms. Proper labelling offers persons who prefer not to consume foods with added MSG the possibility to avoid those products.

Conclusion: MSG is not necessarily derived from prok, as it is propably easier and cheaper to make it in an industrialized process! No mentioning of cancer was found. However, as an additional flavored preservative that is not naturally processed, and researches are not final, it is not recommended to have large qualtities of it, in order to avoid having the claims that came from overdoeses. يعني شي منه ولا كله !

Also, we need to be careful before taking for granted emails of this sort.

Thank you Bayan for your inquiery.

Hana Abed

Security Associate

UN Department of Safety & Security, Syria

Tel. 00963-11-612 9811, Ext. 285

P Please consider the environment before you print this email

لعشاق الأندومي

أثبتت دراسات اختبارات دولية حديثاً أن مادة اجينوموتو

(مونو صديوم جلتوميت MSG)

مادة مسرطنة والأنزيم الفعال بهذه المادة يستخرج من أحشاء الخنزير

وهذه المادة متوفرة في شعيرية الأندومي والماجي الأبيض

ومذكورة على المنتج بالرمز (E621)

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

العيون العسلية A@N
الله يكرم النعمه ماحبه اصلآ
جزاك الله خير علي التنبيه
Super FoFo
Super FoFo
لااااااا :icon33: احبه مره
عبيــــر الــــورد
من يوم بديت أحوس في الريجيمات كررررهت الأندوومي والحمدلله ،،،

الله يجزااك كل خير على التنبيه ،،،،،،،،
@الصــ 2ـــابره@
انا بصراحه احبها بس نادرا مااكلها يعني بشهر مره

بس احسها تسوي للاطفال هرمونات بجد مو حلوه لصغار البنات للي مدمنيين عليها مطلعه لهم صدر ولسه صغار والله حرام وحتى الاولاد بعد طالع لهم صدوور من الهرمونات ههههههههههههههههههه الله لايبلانا