أم هشوووووومي
انا كمان سالت نفسي هذا السؤال وعلشان كده ما اخذت الحبوب قلت يعني الناس زمان كيف كانوا عايشين من غيرها؟
بس الاجابة جات من بعد التجربة وهي ان:
جداتنا وامهاتنا ياكلون اكل صحي حبوب كاملة و دقيق بر مش زي الدقيق اللي نستعمله الان كله نشاء وبيلبط في المعدة ومواد طبيعية ومافي مواد حافظة وبلاوي زي اكل هاليومين كان اكلهم كله صحة

الله المستعان:29:
الله يجزيك الخير يا ام هشووووومي
على ردك ما قصرت
فعلا وين اكلنا واكل امهاتنا كله طبيعي وعمل البيت .
my dear sister islamya, pholic acid is important even before you get pregnant because it prevents (tashawohat el ganeen) and also calcium is very importnat when your baby starts to have bones and you have to take special amounts i think 400mg per day becasue if you do not your baby will take this amount from your body and it will affect you specially your teeth, and i think the vitamins will not contain the same amount of calcium and pholic acid which your body will need, that is what i think and at the end i think you should ask your doctor and follow her advice, she knows better than me, and thanks for your doaa very much
اختي sunnysky
هلا جبت العلبة ومكتوب عليها :
prenatal postpartum
طبعا هو فيتامين :
حديد.. وفوليك اسيد ... كالسيوم .زنك..منغنيز..وفيتامينات
وان شاء الله انه يكون نافع .
ودكتورتي حكت انه كثير منيح ومفيد وهو المطلوب مع انه في كثير نوعيات .
Dear islamya, i thinkyou should take it as your doctor says, for me i am living now abroad, my doctor did not tell me even to take pholic acid or calcium, but my mother is a doctor and i asked he and she said that pholic acid is important and calcium too and i started taking them as she said, i take calcium because since i became pregnant i hate to drink milk, and i wanted to take vitamins too but i said as i am not anemic it is o.k., but again my advice to you is to take these vitamins because i still believe it is important for all pregnant women,\.
May God help you and have a beautiful and healthy baby inshaa Allah