حالة زوج صفر حيوانات المنوية خلال شهرين من الكلوميد من صفر الي منتج للحيامن رقم انه العدد قليل ولكن تحسن ملحوظ واليكم التفاصيلLaykinsmommy
Posted 02/02/2012
Azoospermia is now oligospermia! We just got the results back yesterday after 2 months on clomid. The numbers aren't great by any means but it's a lot better than ZERO! I'm having a hard time understanding the SA, they look a lot different when there is actually sperm. Can someone please help me make sense of it. I understand that the numbers are terrible, and so is the morphology, I think. Please help! Also, has anyone had bad morphology and still conceived?
Semen Coagulation- Normal
Semen Liquefacation- Normal
Sperm Motility- 10%
Forward progression- 2+
Semen Volume- 6 (said that was high)
Semen Viscosity- Abnormal (should have poured drop by drop, i'm guessing this means the sperm cant get out of it. However, I dont understand how liquefaction was normal and this wasnt?)
Sperm count- 645,000 (VERY low, i know)
Sperm Normal Forms- 11% (said that 70-100% is normal! Yikes!)
Sperm abnormal forms- 77% (pinhead, amorphous head, double head, bifractured or coiled tail)
Immature Sperm- 7%
Any help would be appreciated! I think it's better than zero but still looks pretty bad... thank you!
azoospermia تعني انعدام للحيامن oligospermia تعني العدد قليل والحركة ايضا والاشكال الطبيعية
gada9522 @gada9522
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
خليك أول من تشارك برأيها 💁🏻♀️