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Of all the rooms in my house I think my living room is the most beautiful and
comfortable one. It is in the center in my house. It has a lot equipment, such as on the
left, there are two red armchairs and in back of it you see a black curtain. On the right two red armchair and in back of it there is beautiful painting. In the middle you can see a small carpet and on top of it a square table with table cloth, and small vase with red roses. In back of carpet you can see a big red sofa. In the ceiling of the living room you can see a chandelier. In the fort of the table you can see a big television. In addition I can hear noises especially on the weekend when all my family comes to talk and play. In this day you can smell a different sweet for example, incense and scent. Moreover, in this day you can taste much kind of foods such as, Russian salad, French fries, pastries, pasta and grilled meat. Also, many kind of juice and cake for example, Ice-cream cake, cream caramel, biscuits, lemonade and fresh juice. Finally, I would rather be in my living room because it reminds me of many things that happened. There are things that make me feel very happy.
قبل فتره كتبته بس مب متاكده اذا مافي اخطاء