Noor Neenoo

Noor Neenoo @noor_neenoo

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لووو سمحتووو محتاجه مساعدتكم بسرعه

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم >>>> جمعه مباركه

لو سمحتو محتاجه ترجمه ضروووووووري

Claims about Emotional Intelligence
Mayer et al. (2000b) suggested that EI may influence **** -related outcomes (e.g., job performance)
and interpersonal interactions (e.g., job interviews).

Goleman (1995, 1998) claimed that EI predicts life and **** success. He surmised that, because IQ is thought to account for about
20% of the variance in life success, EI likely accounts for the remaining 80% (Neely-Martinez,
1997). Goleman (1998) also claimed that, because EI affects almost every aspect of **** life,
employees who are high in EI are ‘‘star performers.’’ Publishers of EI tests advocate the use of EI
tests for personnel selection, claiming that research has demonstrated a strong correlation
between EI and job performance (Multi-Health Systems, 2001).

Unfortunately, many of these claims are based on unpublished studies and misinterpreted data (Barrett et al., 2001; Jordan
Ashkansy, Ha¨ rtel, & Hooper, 2001).

Indeed, Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso (2000a) labelled such claims as implausible and not supported by research. Before claims about the predictive validity
of EI are tested empirically, however, the construct validity of the EI measures must first be established


Citizenship behaviour
Regardless of the relationship between EI and task performance, it is possible that EI is important
to organizational success in other ways.
Katz (1964) suggested that organizational success is determined not only by employees’ job performance, but also by behaviours that help their co****ers
and organization.
That is, to be successful, organizations need employees who assist their co****ers, create a positive **** environment, and care about their organization.

Organ (1997) defined these behaviours as organizational citizenship behaviours.

Podsakoff and MacKenzie (1994) identified three dimensions of OCB: sportsmanship (not complaining about the organization); helping behaviour (helping co****ers and providing encouragement); and civic virtue (becoming involved in, and showing concern for, the organization

Because ‘‘OCB is less likely than in-role performance to be constrained by limitations of ability or by **** process’’ (Organ & Ryan, 1995, p. 777), it may
be an important variable to examine

That is, given equal levels of ‘‘task’’ ability, high EI individuals may excel at **** because they are more likely to engage in prosocial activities at ****
Mayer et al.

2000b) suggested that individuals who are high in EI are expert at identifying, and responding appropriately to, the emotions of co****ers, customers, and superiors. For example, high EI employees may not complain about undesirable circumstances if they perceive that a superior is feeling tense, or they may offer assistance or encouragement if they sense that a co****er is frustrated

High EI employees are also likely to be empathetic (e.g., Ciarocchi et al 2000) and, therefore, may be able to adopt the organization’s perspective and act in a manner that will benefit the organization (Abraham, 1999

Mayer et al. (2000b) proposed that employees who are high in EI may have smoother interactions with members of their **** teams, and may
be better able to monitor how one’s **** group members are feeling and take the appropriate action

Therefore, emotionally intelligent individuals could be expected to engage in citizenship behaviours in a group situation. The last goal of this study is to examine EI’s relationship with individual- and group-level sportsmanship, helping behaviour, and civic virtue


Although there have been many claims regarding EI, few published empirical studies have examined the validity of ability-based EI measures.

Therefore, evidence for the construct validity of the MSCEIT will be gathered by examining its factor structure and its relationship with personality gender, age, and experience.,

The criterion-related validity of the MSCEIT will be examined by assessing its relationship with individual and group performance on a decisionmaking task and with individual- and group-level citizenship behaviour

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Noor Neenoo
Noor Neenoo
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