
bintaboha @bintaboha

عضوة جديدة

لو سمحتوا بغيت منكم طلب

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم
لو سمحتوا بغيت منكم طلب
انا كاتبه موضوع عن تاييد الطلاب للسفر للخارج والعمل لمدة سنه قبل الدراسه في الجامعة
ولازم في الموضوع يكون فيه اسباب امثله وادله
المطلوب منكم يا جماعة الخير الى كان يريد زياده في الاسباب والامثله واهم شي تصحيح الموضوع من حيث
وترتيب الكلمات او الجمل من حيث الفاعل والفعل والمفعول به


Travel and work before join university
In my country most students join university after they finsh studying in high school with out work .but, in britain many students travel to work in other country before they join my opinion, students should travel and work in others countries before they join university.the first reason that, travel and work is good to develop their skills. For example, workig give peopleknowledge to start study. Aslo the work give young pepole push up to complete university.Also give they some opinion about their life. The second reason that, travel and work is good to save some money for future. For example. Education require alot of money so it is good to work onther example, in some countries the education is verey expesive. The third reason that becouse young people before they join university must think alot to can complet the life in a good way. For example travel is good to commumnication with other people and get new idea. The last reason that travel and work is good to make friends ship with young people form different country. For example, friends ship give young people experieuce .
Finally, i advice young people to travel and work becouse it is agood idea and good chance to start their study .

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by traveling we can learn responsibility .and like what you said it's a great way to meet people.
good luck