هذي الماركة شكلها مرررة عجبني
اللي تعرف فين تنباع في جدة تقول ضروري
واللي استخدمت اي شي منها تقول لا تبخلون علينا بخبرتكم
شكلها مررررة حلو
اترككم مع الصور
T. LeClerc Compact Powder Foundation
T. LeClerc Loose Powder
T.LeClerc Corrector Palette

آشوريا @ashorya
عضوة فعالة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

T. LeClerc Professional Concealer - Natural 01
T.LeClerc Professional Concealer is a creamy texture that offers medium to full coverage for any area you would like to conceal on the skin. Natural is a light beige color with yellow undertones and is great for fair to light toned skin.
ما لقيت لها صورة واضحه
نجي للبعده
T. LeClerc Professional Concealer - Clair 02
T.LeClerc Professional Concealer is a creamy texture that offers medium to full coverage for any area you would like to conceal on the skin. Clair is ideal for light skin.
T. LeClerc Professional Concealer - Moyen 03
T.LeClerc Professional Concealer is a creamy texture that offers medium to full coverage for any area you would like to conceal on the skin. Moyen is a beige color with warm undertones in a medium/dark intensity.
T. LeClerc Professional Concealer - Doré 04
.LeClerc Professional Concealer is a creamy texture that offers medium to full coverage for any area you would like to conceal on the skin. Dore is a beige color with yellow undertones in a medium-dark intensity.
T.LeClerc Professional Concealer is a creamy texture that offers medium to full coverage for any area you would like to conceal on the skin. Natural is a light beige color with yellow undertones and is great for fair to light toned skin.
ما لقيت لها صورة واضحه
نجي للبعده
T. LeClerc Professional Concealer - Clair 02
T.LeClerc Professional Concealer is a creamy texture that offers medium to full coverage for any area you would like to conceal on the skin. Clair is ideal for light skin.
T. LeClerc Professional Concealer - Moyen 03
T.LeClerc Professional Concealer is a creamy texture that offers medium to full coverage for any area you would like to conceal on the skin. Moyen is a beige color with warm undertones in a medium/dark intensity.
T. LeClerc Professional Concealer - Doré 04
.LeClerc Professional Concealer is a creamy texture that offers medium to full coverage for any area you would like to conceal on the skin. Dore is a beige color with yellow undertones in a medium-dark intensity.

موقع بارنيز وهو يعد أفخم ولأرقى وأغلى مجمع بنيويورك يمكن يرسل لجده، بشرط ان يكون لديك عنوان امريكا اللي تاخذيه من أرامكس.
أنصحك كذلك بمكياج By Terry راقي بمعنى الكلمه لما أستخدمه لم أعد أشتكي من جفاف البشره بعد المكياج بل العكس يرطبها أثناء المكياج وبعد ما تزيلي المكياج.
أنصحك كذلك بمكياج By Terry راقي بمعنى الكلمه لما أستخدمه لم أعد أشتكي من جفاف البشره بعد المكياج بل العكس يرطبها أثناء المكياج وبعد ما تزيلي المكياج.
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