مالي غيركم بعد الله(مين تترجملي المكتوب)/هناك موضوع خاص بالترجمة

اللغة الأنجليزية

Dear Sir / MadaM

We thank you for your interest in Zain in KSA (formerly MTC) and confirm receipt of your email.

***Note that any CV sent to this email address will not be considered and will receive no reply.

1. If you are applying for a career opportunity, please visit the KSA vacancy page and apply for
the available jobs or post your CV on the system. Click on this link:

We strongly advise to regularly visit this page as new vacancies will be posted frequently in the
coming months.

2. If you are offering a product or service, please email info@zain.com - we will contact you if
Zain is interested.

Best regards
Zain KSA

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وهذا المسج
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الله يسعدها ويوفقها اللي تترجملي

هذا الموضوع مغلق.

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