بارقة خير
بارقة خير
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أختي فيه نوع كريمة تكون حالية للحلويات
وفيه الوبينج كريم السادة ممكن إضافة السكر عليه للحلويات ... وللموالح يستخدم مباشرة
إنتي تأكدي من المحتويات اللي مكتوبة على العلبة

والساور كريم يستخدم أحياناً في الحلويات مثل الكيك والتشيزكيك على ما أظن
بارقة خير
بارقة خير
Types of cream

In the US, cream is usually sold as:

* Half-and-half (10.5-18% fat)
* Light, coffee, or table cream (18-30% fat)
* Medium cream (25% fat)
* Whipping or light whipping cream (30-36% fat)
* Heavy or heavy whipping cream (36+%)
* Extra-heavy or manufacturer's cream (38-40+%), generally not available at retail

Not all grades are defined by all jurisdictions, and the exact fat content ranges vary. The above figures are based on the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Part 131 and a small sample of state regulations.

In the UK, cream is usually sold as:

* Half cream (12%)
* Single cream or Light cream (18%)
* Whipping cream (35%)
* Double cream (48%)

Other cream products

Crème fraîche (a product with a French name and widely available elsewhere) is a heavy cream slightly soured with bacterial culture, but not as sour or as thick as American sour cream. Mexican crema (or cream espesa) is similar.

Sour cream in the United States is cream (18+% milkfat) that has been subjected to a bacterial culture that produces lactic acid (0.5%+), which sours and thickens it.

In the UK, clotted cream is a very high fat (55%) product processed with heat.

Butter is made from cream.

Whipped cream

Cream with 30% or more of fat can be turned into whipped cream by mixing it with air. This roughly doubles the cream's volume as air bubbles are captured in a network of fat droplets. (Whipped cream is said to have been invented in 1671 by François Vatel for a banquet in honor of Louis XIV, though it's likely that it was actually known long before this.) If the whipping is continued, the fat droplets stick together and form butter; the remaining liquid is buttermilk.

Chantilly cream (French: crème Chantilly) is whipped cream with sugar and vanilla.

Cream as an ingredient

Cream is used as an ingredient in many foods, including ice cream, many sauces, soups, and some custard bases.

Cream (usually light cream or half-and-half) is often added to coffee.

شكرا بارقه خير على هذا الموضوع

فعلا استفدت منه وااااايد ...بما اني عايشه في كندا

دايما كنت ادور الويب الي ينحط في الشوربه ...لكن لما اروح السوبر ماركت الاقي الويب كريم مرسوم على العلبه صورت حلويات فاتردد و ما اشتريه و قلت يمكن الويب مب هو الي يستخدم بالشوربات

و كنت اشوف علب مثل علب الحليب الطازج و موجوده بنفس القسم الحليب بس مكتوب عليه نسب مختلفه و ما كنت اعرف شو تعني ...لكن الحينه استوعبت ....و عرفت انهم الكريمات و و مب علب حليب عادي

شكرا اختي بارقه ما قصرتي ..

و شكرا لكل الاخوات ...و ان شاء الله غيري يستفيد من الموضوع مثل ما استفدت انا

شكرا لكم خواتي