محتاجة للنصيحة ابني عمره سنة و نص و اسنانه ....

الأمومة والطفل

السلام عليكم اخواتي

ابني عمره سنة و نص و بدأ عنده تسوس في ضرسه :06: الحق انا

ما اغسل له اسنانه مش عارفة ايش اعمل معاه هل ممكن الدكتور يعالجه و هو في السن الصغيرة هدي

و هل ممكن اني افرش له شوية الاسنان اللي طالعه بدون ما تضرر اللثة و ايش نوع الفرشة و المعجون

وعادي لو بلع المعجون لانه ما يعرف يتمضمض

ساعدوني انا محتارة و ما ابغى اسنانه تنعدم زي اطفال كتير كنت اشوفهم

بالمستشفى اسنانهم تحزن من كتر ما:22: السوس اكلها

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

I haven’t updated my blog for a long time, wow power leveling because I am really busy recently. However, I would like to write my stories here to share my happiness and sadness with all of you who support me always. In fact, wow power leveling I surf on my blog nearly everyday and read every comment and message from you carefully. Thank you for your appreciation.My supervisor told me a piece of good news last month that I could graduate in advance if I performed well on my experiments this year. cheap archlord gold This means that I will finish my Master’s study next year. My supervisor was indeed a good teacher and a kind teacher. She said that time is precious for our lives, especially for girls, especially when we are young. Therefore, my supervisor gave me a title of my research at once, and hoped that I can acquire the experimental results as soon as I can. The deadline is the end of this year. The most important and difficult part of my experiment is the manipulation of a method called “Western Blot” which is a famous term in medical research. I have to explore the whole process of western blot by myself because I am the first student of my supervisor. archlord online gold Therefore, it is really a hard task for me to prepare, analyze and find feasible solutions to accomplish “western blot”. I am trying my best and wishing myself good luck!I am getting along well with my BF Gary, and our relationship has lasted more than four months’ long since he accurately expressed his love to me on June’5th 2007. It is such a lucky thing that we can meet nearly every day, and our affections to each other seem accelerate a lot than before. We together have the first Mid-Autumn day last month. Though my parents were far from my university, and I have no relative here, I indeed felt the strong festival atmosphere that day. I think the reason is that Gary accompanied me on that special day. archlord power leveling Gary gave me three boxes of good moon cakes on the Mid-Autumn Day, and I allocated them one by one to my good friends in my university because they helped me a lot in my daily life. They looked very happy when they receive those moon cakes and my genuine wishes. I will never forget their sweet smiles, because the moon on that night was extremely bright, though it rained often last month in Guangzhou.My parents especially my Mom cares me so much that she asks my relationship with my BF every time. They seem like Gary very much with more acquaintance with him and often tell me not to anger with him. Everything seems proceeds well. Though I am tired of my experiments and my inadequate preparation of TOEFL exam on Dec’8, I feel calm and happy from the bottom of my heart, because I possess the best parents, kind BF and an astoundingly large number of good friends in the world.
سبحان الله وبحمده