السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركات................
عزيزاتي معلمات الإنجليزي او من لديها خبرة انا عندي مجموعة اسألة محلولة ولاكن المشكلة ودي اعرف سبب الإختبارات
يعني كل اجابة سبب اختيار اجابتة
((اتمنى فهمتوني ))
واتنمى الإجابات الليلة ضروري تكفون
. They laughed a lot last night. The film ..... very funny.
A. should have been
B. must have been
C. was to be
D. should be
. I know he didn't thank you, but he .... have done so.
A. must
B. may
C. would
D. should
If you'd come to the theatre last night, you ..... the
A. would enjoy
B. had enjoyed
C. would have enjoyed
D. will enjoy
..... but I realised what he had done.
A. Little did he know
B. Little known
C. Little he knew
D. Little knowing
He ran so fast ..... being followed by a ghost.
A. as
B. as if he were
C. like
I couldn't mend the PC myself, so I ..... at a shop.
A. had it mended
B. had it mend
C. did it mend
D. had mended
ومشكويـــــــــــــــــــــن مقدما ....................:26:...................:)
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

*جمال الروح*
ارجوكم لا تخيبوا املي فيكم

الصفحة الأخيرة