السلام عليكم ..
كيفكم :42: ؟؟
احنا ثلاث بنات نعرف انجليزي كويس .. وباالجامعه تخصص انجليزي
نبغى نشتغل في الصيف عشان نقضي وقت فراغنا .. فإلي تعرف مدارس summer schools
تحتاج مدرسات للأطفال تعلمنا .. عشان نشتغل هناك :42:
ويعطونا شهادة خبره وراتب معقول ..
لكن اهم شي الشهادة ..
واحنا في الرياض ..

Crysstal @crysstal
عضوة نشيطة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

innocent-baby :
Hello friend:) If you are looking for schools of that type You can go and join the Direct English Team I know that you might say that it's not for children but actually we have a special program for kids in the summer season ************************************************************ So if you are intrested you can go there and work for 1 month free not paid and you will get an experience certificate and if you liked you'r job you can work with us with the salary you wantHello friend:) If you are looking for schools of that type You can go and join the Direct...
Hi there, oh that's good offer
I liked it, I want the number of the Direct English please
So if there any chance that I might go in Direct English Team I’ll go
thanx dear :)
I liked it, I want the number of the Direct English please
So if there any chance that I might go in Direct English Team I’ll go
thanx dear :)

Actually I'm just a teacher not a manager or i would have given you the number for them in Riyadh
I'm in jeddah
but you can visit their web site www.alkhaleej.com.sa
go to the direct english page
and you will get all the information you want
Actually I'm just a teacher not a manager or i would have given you the number for them in Riyadh
I'm in jeddah
but you can visit their web site www.alkhaleej.com.sa
go to the direct english page
and you will get all the information you want
الصفحة الأخيرة
If you are looking for schools of that type
You can go and join the Direct English Team
I know that you might say that it's not for children
but actually we have a special program for kids in the summer season
So if you are intrested you can go there and work for 1 month
free not paid
and you will get an experience certificate
and if you liked you'r job you can work with us with the salary
you want