
mouhrah @mouhrah

عضوة جديدة

مساااااااااااعده ضروري الله يخليكم

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم
شخبااركم بنات ان شالله بخير ..
انا عندي طلب وياريت انكم تساعدوني فيه لاني من جد محتاجه مساعدتكم ..
انا في الجامعه وعندي واجب عباره عن براجراف لازم اكتبه كويس لانه الدكتوره شوي نحيسه واخاف ترسبني بالماده
وهذا هو المطلوب في السؤال


Write a paragraph about the most valuable gift you have ever received. Make sure your paragraph has a topic sentence that develops one main idea about that item followed by supporting sentences which explain why this item is considered so special.

PART A: Before you write, plan your paragraph by filling in the following chart. (3 points)

Topic sentence

Support sentence 1

Support sentence 2

Concluding sentence

PART B. Write your paragraph here. Be sure to give specific examples for each supporting sentence. Use transitions to connect your ideas. Edit your paragraph when you have finished.
اللي تقدر تساعدني اكون مشكووره لها
وان شالله اقدر اردلها هذا الجميل ...

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

السلام عليكم

انا كتبت الموضع تبعك بس لمن جيت وقرأت طلبك مرة ثانية طلع عن الهدايا اللي انتي استقبلتيه وبصراحة انا تكلمت عن الهدايا بشكل عام

ما ادري ممكن ينفعك وتغيري فيها اذا حبيتي


People in general have different ways to express their care and concern in order to increase the bond of love and respect. Mostly, these expressions are shown in celebrations and parties where people gather and enjoy their time. The usual habit that people do when celebrating is presenting gifts. Gifts are presented to special people due to many reasons. First, they present gifts to congratulate succeeded people. Second, they present gifts to celebrate occasions. Finally, they present gifts to show affection and love.

Workers work all day and night to achieve what they plan for, and students study hard to score high grades. Those people as a result of their passionate effort are granted with valuable gifts such as when a father buys a car for his succeeded son, or when a manager gives his employee a travel ticket and a vacation.
Another reason for presenting gifts is celebrating occasion. Birthdays, Eids and weddings are common occasions for everybody. People gather up together and exchange gifts to show their happiness and excitement. Those actions improve the people's relationships and enlarge the circle of good feelings. In a wedding, for instance, a person tends to invite all his friends and relatives to his wedding day while in return they buy for the groom and the bride a golden ring or an expensive watch.
Love is a beautiful feeling to reveal. Expressing love always dedicated to a special person in which a beautiful or a romantic gift is considered to be a strong demonstrative approach.
a child can bring a simple gift like writing a love letter to his mother for being a wonderful mom. Married couples also exchange romantic gifts like flowers, invitation to a restaurant or buying jewels or watches to sustain their affection. Others like friends, for instance, send gifts to each other for their strong mutual friendship.
Last but not least, gifts have an incredible effect on people's morale. They make powerful relationships, and encourage the receiver to work hard. Gifts also considered to be a perfect reminder of the giver because a good loving person always remains in the mind of the beloved ones.

السلام عليكم انا كتبت الموضع تبعك بس لمن جيت وقرأت طلبك مرة ثانية طلع عن الهدايا اللي انتي استقبلتيه وبصراحة انا تكلمت عن الهدايا بشكل عام ما ادري ممكن ينفعك وتغيري فيها اذا حبيتي Gifts People in general have different ways to express their care and concern in order to increase the bond of love and respect. Mostly, these expressions are shown in celebrations and parties where people gather and enjoy their time. The usual habit that people do when celebrating is presenting gifts. Gifts are presented to special people due to many reasons. First, they present gifts to congratulate succeeded people. Second, they present gifts to celebrate occasions. Finally, they present gifts to show affection and love. Workers work all day and night to achieve what they plan for, and students study hard to score high grades. Those people as a result of their passionate effort are granted with valuable gifts such as when a father buys a car for his succeeded son, or when a manager gives his employee a travel ticket and a vacation. Another reason for presenting gifts is celebrating occasion. Birthdays, Eids and weddings are common occasions for everybody. People gather up together and exchange gifts to show their happiness and excitement. Those actions improve the people's relationships and enlarge the circle of good feelings. In a wedding, for instance, a person tends to invite all his friends and relatives to his wedding day while in return they buy for the groom and the bride a golden ring or an expensive watch. Love is a beautiful feeling to reveal. Expressing love always dedicated to a special person in which a beautiful or a romantic gift is considered to be a strong demonstrative approach. a child can bring a simple gift like writing a love letter to his mother for being a wonderful mom. Married couples also exchange romantic gifts like flowers, invitation to a restaurant or buying jewels or watches to sustain their affection. Others like friends, for instance, send gifts to each other for their strong mutual friendship. Last but not least, gifts have an incredible effect on people's morale. They make powerful relationships, and encourage the receiver to work hard. Gifts also considered to be a perfect reminder of the giver because a good loving person always remains in the mind of the beloved ones. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- تحياتي
السلام عليكم انا كتبت الموضع تبعك بس لمن جيت وقرأت طلبك مرة ثانية طلع عن الهدايا اللي انتي...
هلا حبيبتي واالله ماعرف كيف اشكرك
تعبتك معي
مشكوووره حبيبتي وان شالله اقدر ارد جميلك..
لا يمكنك مشاهدة هذا التعليق لانتهاكه شروط الاستخدام.
تسلميين ياقلبي
وياريت الاقي احد يساعدني واكون شاكره له ..
ومشكوووره مره ثانيه..:27:
تسلميين ياقلبي وياريت الاقي احد يساعدني واكون شاكره له .. ومشكوووره مره ثانيه..:27:
تسلميين ياقلبي وياريت الاقي احد يساعدني واكون شاكره له .. ومشكوووره مره ثانيه..:27:
اختي لو تحبي تتعاملي معايا
راسليني على عنواني ف توقيعي
علما ان خدماتي باسعارها