مساعدة عاجله

اللغة الأنجليزية

488581ابي حل هذا السؤال

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

اكتبيه مو واضح
عاشقة اللغة
عاشقة اللغة
اكتبيه مو واضح
اكتبيه مو واضح
write answers to the question to make a description of a person you knew. Use the past simple,past habitual and the adjective you know.Write in full sentences. Remember a sentence often has to have a subject,a verb and an object\complement.
1- what was her name?
2- how old was she?
3- where did she live?
4- how did she look like? (describe height\face\eyes\weight)
5- what did she used to do for a living?(i.e. what was her job)
6- was she kind to people?
7- did she used to help them? and in what way?
8- did the people used to like her?
عاشقة اللغة
عاشقة اللغة
write answers to the question to make a description of a person you knew. Use the past simple,past habitual and the adjective you know.Write in full sentences. Remember a sentence often has to have a subject,a verb and an object\complement. 1- what was her name? 2- how old was she? 3- where did she live? 4- how did she look like? (describe height\face\eyes\weight) 5- what did she used to do for a living?(i.e. what was her job) 6- was she kind to people? 7- did she used to help them? and in what way? 8- did the people used to like her?
write answers to the question to make a description of a person you knew. Use the past...
اجابات الاسئلة:
* her name was Alaa Hamid
* she was 13 years old.
*she lived in Saudi Arabia at Jeddah.
*she was medium height,roundish face,black eyes,and thin.
*her job was pharmacist at hospital.
* yes, she was.
*yes, she did,she gave money for poor and helped old people.
* yes, they did
بس ابي كيف اكون قطعة من هذي الاجوبة.
بليس قبل يوم الأحد
حرف و معنى
حرف و معنى
الله يوفقك ما اعرف شي بالانجليزي
Allah Hamid is a 13 years old girl, she is from Saudi Arabia and lives at Jeddah city. she has roundish face, black eyes and she is thin, her height is medium and she ****s as a pharmacist at a hospital. she is a kind person and like helping other people in need.