السلام عليكم
أريد منكم مساعة في كتابة paragraph
عن طالبة مجتهدة اسمها سارة
هذي الطالبه كنتي تدرسيها وكانت مؤدبة وشاطره وانتقلت الى مدرسة أخرى
بليييييييز ضروري قبل يوم الأحد

الأميرة فيونا @alamyr_fyona
عضوة نشيطة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

اكتبي بالعربي بالضبط وش تبين اقول عن سارا واسويه لك وكم سطر تبينه ترا بجرب فيك هههههههههههههههه

there was a little girl
she was my student
her name is sarah
she was very polite
very pretty and very smart
but sadlly she moved out the school
she was my student
her name is sarah
she was very polite
very pretty and very smart
but sadlly she moved out the school

rana88 :
there was a little girl she was my student her name is sarah she was very polite very pretty and very smart but sadlly she moved out the schoolthere was a little girl she was my student her name is sarah she was very polite very pretty and...
Thanks alot
الصفحة الأخيرة
بس أنا موطالبة وماراح أعطيه مدرستي