السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بنات السالفه وما فيها ان وحد من صديقاتي غالية علي :39: ..عندها يوم الاحد
برزنتيشن اختبار..وهي كتبت هالموضوع بس ماتدري اذا فيه اخطاء ولا لا؟
قلتلها هاتيه وبنات حواء ان شاء الله مايقصرون ..
ومن فرج على اخيه المسلم كربة من كرب الدنيا فرج الله له بها كربة من كرب يوم
القيامة.. :)
هذا هو الموضوع وياليت تقولون بعد اذا استخدام كلمة
بمعنى شخص سمعي(يحب يسمع)
بصري(يحب يشاهد)
حسي(يحب يلمس ويُلمس) صح فالموضوع ولا خطأ وش هو الصح..
وبعد اذا ماعليكم كلافة اقترحوا عنوان للموضوع..؛)
وتراها ماحللت اي وحدة تنقل الموضوع او حتى فكرته ( بنات الجامعة )
Hi every one. My name is (......).my topic is very interesting and helps you in the life, but I need your ears and your attentions. One day I saw a nice program in the TV. It was very amazing and interesting, so felt that I should tell you about it. He said "one day a couple came to me and complained about there marriage life. The husband said "I never see her in a good looking and I hardly ever return to my home and see it clean and tidy. I always gift her but she don’t care" then the wife disturbed him "don't listen to him he never hear me a nice word. So what do you think the problem was? They were going to divorce. Now I can tell that the people are 3 sections: audios, optics and sensual people.
Audio person: is like to hear and he understands what he is listening to more than if he reads it.
Optic person: is like to see and he understands what he reads it more than if he hearts it.
Sensual person: is like to touch and being touched when he speaks to someone more than just listening.
Now what was the problem again? He said that he didn’t see her in a good looking! And she said that she didn’t hear a nice word from him! He is an optic person and she is an audio person and each one treated the other one as he wants to be treated in. of course after the doctor tolled them about each one kind they understand, return to each other and he solved the problem . Now ill give you examples to make it clear
Audio person: he gave his suns situation as an example he said " I bout a car to my small child and I was waiting for seeing him put it in the ground and play but he surprised me by doing like this
(un unn) put it near his earn and listen to the voice (unnnnnnnnn) he is an audio person.
Another example is some girls don’t understand what are they reading Intel they say it in loudly voice to hear it and of course you faced one of them on exams days with strange voice because of her talks a lot.
Optic person: the one who likes to see or contemplates in the nature
Sensual person: his example was one wife called the doctor to complain about her husband she said "he comes to the home at 5 o'clock and set at front of his computer all the day .my friends advised me to prink for him and some of them advised me to talk with him when he set at front of the computer.
But all this solutions didn’t work. The doctor advised her to do all this things and add to it touching him on his hand or his head when she talks to her husband. After few days she called him again but to thanks him. So her husband is sensual person.
Those are the three sections of people. Try to know who are the one you talk with and from which section.

الهبوب @alhbob_2
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

البنت راحت وهي ماتدري موضوعها فيه اخطاء ولا لا..
بس من حظها ان وقت المحاضرة ماكفى البنات كلهم يقولون مواضيعهم.. ولا قالته..
ومازال الامل كبير انكم تردون ولا والله راح ازعل زعلة كبيرة..
بس من حظها ان وقت المحاضرة ماكفى البنات كلهم يقولون مواضيعهم.. ولا قالته..
ومازال الامل كبير انكم تردون ولا والله راح ازعل زعلة كبيرة..

صدق ان الواحد ماله الا اهله راح ولا جاء مرده لهم.. (:
ياحبيك والله ....شكلي باسويها..
متى فاضين؟؟
وماهقيتها منكم يابنات حواء عضوات ومشرفات..
مو بس طحتو من عيني الا اكثر بكثييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييير.. ): ):
ياحبيك والله ....شكلي باسويها..
متى فاضين؟؟
وماهقيتها منكم يابنات حواء عضوات ومشرفات..
مو بس طحتو من عيني الا اكثر بكثييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييير.. ): ):

Hi every one. My name is (......).my topic is one of the very interesting events and it helps (you) in (the)our (life) lives, but I (need) begging your ears and (your) attentions. One day I saw a nice program in the TV. It was very amazing and interesting issue, (so) I felt that I should (tell) share this to all about this things (you about it). He said "one day a couple came to me and complained about there marriage life. The husband said "I never see her in a good looking and it hardly ever return to my home and see it clean and tidy. I always gave her a gift (her) but she (don’t) doesn't care" then the wife disturbed him "don't listen to him he never (hear) heared a nice word. So what do you think the problem was? They were going to divorced? Now I can tell that the people are divided into 3 sections: audios, optics and sensual people.
Audio person: is like to hear and he understands what he is listening to more than if he reads it.
Optic person: is like to see and he understands what he reads it more than if he (hearts) heared it.
Sensual person: is like to touch and being touched when he speaks to someone more than just listening.
Now what was the problem again? He said that he didn’t see her in a good looking! And she said that she didn’t hear a nice word from him! He is an optic person and she is an audio person and each one treated the other one as he wants to be treated in. of course after the doctor (tolled)told them about each one kind they understand, to return (to) each other and he solved the problem . Now (ill) i'll give you examples to make it clear
Audio person: he gave his (suns) sons situation as an example he said " I (bout)bought a car to my (small ) little child and I was waiting for seeing him put it in the ground and play but he surprised me by doing like this
(un unn) put it near his ears and listen to the voice (unnnnnnnnn) he is an audio person.
Another example is some girls don’t understand what (are they) they're reading (Intel) until they say it in (loudly) a loud voice to hear it and of course you faced one of them on (exams) examination days with strange voice because (of her) she talks a lot.
Optic person: the one who likes to see or contemplates in the nature
Sensual person: his example was one wife called the doctor to complain about her husband she said "he comes to the home at 5 o'clock and (set at) sit infront of his computer all the day .my friends advised me to (prink)to be frank for him and some of them advised me to talk with him when he's (set) sitting (at) infront of the computer.
But all this solutions (didn’t) doesn't work. The doctor advised her to do all this things and (add) to be keep in touch with(it touching)him on his hand or his head when she talks to her husband. After few days she called him again but to give thanks with him. So her husband is sensual person.
Those are the three sections of people. Try to know who are the one you talk with and from which section they belong
Audio person: is like to hear and he understands what he is listening to more than if he reads it.
Optic person: is like to see and he understands what he reads it more than if he (hearts) heared it.
Sensual person: is like to touch and being touched when he speaks to someone more than just listening.
Now what was the problem again? He said that he didn’t see her in a good looking! And she said that she didn’t hear a nice word from him! He is an optic person and she is an audio person and each one treated the other one as he wants to be treated in. of course after the doctor (tolled)told them about each one kind they understand, to return (to) each other and he solved the problem . Now (ill) i'll give you examples to make it clear
Audio person: he gave his (suns) sons situation as an example he said " I (bout)bought a car to my (small ) little child and I was waiting for seeing him put it in the ground and play but he surprised me by doing like this
(un unn) put it near his ears and listen to the voice (unnnnnnnnn) he is an audio person.
Another example is some girls don’t understand what (are they) they're reading (Intel) until they say it in (loudly) a loud voice to hear it and of course you faced one of them on (exams) examination days with strange voice because (of her) she talks a lot.
Optic person: the one who likes to see or contemplates in the nature
Sensual person: his example was one wife called the doctor to complain about her husband she said "he comes to the home at 5 o'clock and (set at) sit infront of his computer all the day .my friends advised me to (prink)to be frank for him and some of them advised me to talk with him when he's (set) sitting (at) infront of the computer.
But all this solutions (didn’t) doesn't work. The doctor advised her to do all this things and (add) to be keep in touch with(it touching)him on his hand or his head when she talks to her husband. After few days she called him again but to give thanks with him. So her husband is sensual person.
Those are the three sections of people. Try to know who are the one you talk with and from which section they belong
الصفحة الأخيرة
قلتوا البنات اللي يطلبون مواضيع جاهزة عجازات ومايستقون ان احد يرد عليهم ..والمفروض
الوحدة تكتب واحنا نصحح..؟؟!!
طيب هاذيهي كتبت ولا أحد صحح لها ..رجاء لا تفشلوني معها.. :( :(