مساعده بسيطه/تم الرد

الكروشيه والتريكو

السلام عليكم كيفكم ؟؟
ادري طفشتكم بطلباتي :humm:

بس تحملوني

ابغى طريقة هذا الصندل اللي يجنن:twirl:

اكيد عاجبكم انتو كمان؟؟؟

هذا الموضوع مغلق.

شفته بفرح
شفته بفرح
لقيت شرح بالإنجليزي
طبعا ترجمته من قوقل الكلمات مو واضحة
احطه بالإنجليزي يمكن البنات يعرفون له

I know some of you have waited the best part of a year for this tutorial. I hope it’s worth the wait!
I have made a few little improvements to the pattern which I have now reflected in the original post (I will be leaving the written pattern post up for those who don’t require the photo tutorial).
So…. Are you ready for a really photo heavy tutorial? (I am so NOT kidding!)

If you would like a pair but don’t crochet or fancy the project I do now make them to sell! Drop me a comment or an email if you are interested
This makes one pair of sandals sized 0-6 months, approx. 11cm from toe to heel.
The pattern beginning to end makes one sandal, so w o r k it through twice for the pair!

2 colours aran weight cotton yarn, I use Rico Creative Cotton Aran
3.5mm hook
2 small buttons
cotton thread

I’m using UK terminology, these are the stitches and abbreviations being used.
st(s) = stitch(es)
ch = chain
ss = slip stitch
dc = double crochet (single crochet U.S)
htr = half treble (half double U.S)
tr = treble (double crochet U.S)
RS = right side

Using first colour, make initial 14ch.

R1: 2dc in the second chain from hook (where the needle is above),

1dc in the next 5ch, 1htr in each of the next 5ch, 2htr in next ch, 3htr in last ch (see below)

w o r k ing back along the other side of the chains –

2htr in next ch (where the needle is above), 1htr in next 5ch, 1dc in each of the next 5ch, 2dc in last ch.

Join with ss in top
of first dc. (31sts)

R2: Turn w o r k . 3ch, 2tr in base of ss (see above),

1tr in next st, 2tr in next st, 1tr in next 9 sts,

*3tr in next st, 1tr in next st*; repeat between ** 3 more times (4 in total),

1tr in next 9 sts, 2tr in next st, 1tr in last st, join with ss in top of first ch-3 (see above). (43 sts)
شفته بفرح
شفته بفرح
R3: Turn, 3ch, 1tr in base of ss,

1tr in next 17 sts, *2tr in next st, 1tr in next st,*; repeat between ** 2 more times, 2tr in next st,

1tr in next 16sts, 2tr in nx st, 1tr in last st, join with ss in top of first ch-3. (49 sts)

Fasten off.

R4: RS facing, from centre tr (shown above by the needle) count 9sts to the right, around the edge towards the middle (shown above by the hook).

Join yarn, ch1 , 1dc in next 19sts. (19sts)

R5: Turn. 3ch, 1tr in next 18sts. (19 sts)

R6: Turn. 1ch, 1tr in next 2sts, ss in next st (looks like above),

*1tr in next 2sts, ss in next st*; repeat between ** until the end, (this will be a ss in last st). (19 sts)
Fasten off.

R7: With the outside of the heel facing you – join second colour yarn, 1ch (see above),
شفته بفرح
شفته بفرح
*1dc in next 2st, ss in next st*; repeat between ** until the end, (this will be a ss in last st). (19 sts)

Fasten Off. Darn in any tail ends.
Ankle Strap

Using the first colour yarn chain 20, ss into 7th ch from hook(see above), ss in each ch to the end.

Fasten Off. Leave long tails for sewing.

Sew strap to one edge of the heel, sew to opposite side on second sandal.

R1: Using first yarn make a magic circle, 2ch, 6dc into magic circle.

Pull circle tightly closed and leave a long tail for sewing.

R2: Join second colour, 4ch, ss in same st, *ss in next st, 4ch, ss in same st*; repeat between ** 4 more times, ss in next st, 4ch, ss into first ch to close the round. Fasten Off.
Toe Straps

Using first yarn colour, make 15ch. Fasten off. Repeat to make two (per sandal!).

Using the long tail sew the flower, very securely, on to the centre of the toe straps.
To sew the straps on to the sandal count 4sts along the sole from the edge of the heel,

sew one end of the first strap here and in the same place on the opposite side. Count a further 5sts and sew the second strap here on both sides.

Almost there now! All we need is to sew a small button on to the other side of the heel.
(I am no longer using the crochet bobble button as I was never completely happy with it and find small plastic buttons much more practical. However I have left the bobble button instruction up on the original post if you want it.)

That’s it! You’ve completed one sandal! Now repeat it all again and you’ll have a pair!
Phew! That was quite a long one wasn’t it….
If you’ve made it this far I really hope I’ve covered everything and you’ve found this helpful If I have missed something or made an error in there somewhere please leave me a comment and I will try to h
حبيبتي الصندل اول شي تعملي قاعدته البيضاويه

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