السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أبي جمل فيـــها روابط
ومن هالروابط
وأهم شي اللي باللون الاحمر
بنات الي تقدر تفيدنـــي لاتقصر
ومشكورات مقدما

الي نساك انساهـ @aly_nsak_ansah_1
عضوة فعالة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

عفوا طالبة تربية ويعطيك الف عافية الروابط لازم تربط بين جملتين وهناك بعض السهو فيما كتبتي
If you go,I will wait here.
I want to go for shopping because.......
Or I shop because
That is my house where I live .
I will tell you everything when I see you
or I was talking when she came
We met each other while we were walking.
You had put it there before you left.
She lost her bags after she had travlled to Dubai.
Ali was the one who wrote that story.
I bought the red bag which was very expensive.
لان بعض الروابط استعملتيها كأداة سؤال وهي لازم تكون رابط ومشكورة اتمنى اني اكون افدت الغالية الي نساك انساه
If you go,I will wait here.
I want to go for shopping because.......
Or I shop because
That is my house where I live .
I will tell you everything when I see you
or I was talking when she came
We met each other while we were walking.
You had put it there before you left.
She lost her bags after she had travlled to Dubai.
Ali was the one who wrote that story.
I bought the red bag which was very expensive.
لان بعض الروابط استعملتيها كأداة سؤال وهي لازم تكون رابط ومشكورة اتمنى اني اكون افدت الغالية الي نساك انساه
الصفحة الأخيرة
I want to help you, but I do not know how!
If you will go, I will wait here.
I lived in Istanbul since 5 years ago.
Although I talked to her yesterday, I missed her now.
I want to go to shop because there are great offers.
While we were there, we met each other.
Where is the teacher?
When I will see you, I will tell you everything.
Put it there before you leave.
After two days I will travel to Dubai.
Who is the writer?
Which kind of music you prefer?
You are lazy that why I always punish you
ان شالله يكون كذا قصدك ..
تقبلي تحياتي ..