مشاااااااان الله شوفوا كيف طلع هندي مو انجليزي !!!

اللغة الأنجليزية

سلاااااااام عليكم
مشان الله احكو لي وين الغلط أو صححوا لي ياه ..أنا كتبت 2 براجراف
و غلبت حالي كتير فيهن ..بس إنو لما حطيتهن بترجمة جوجل الله وكيلكن حسيت حالي كتبت هندي مو انجليزي
:44: مشان الله شوفوا لي شو القصة
لاني محتاجة الهن باكر ضروري
الله يسعدكن ويخلي لنا ياكن وهاد الاول:

My classmate is an energetic and dreamy person.Her name is Noura . She is from ****. She lives
with her parents and her brother .Our friendship has lasted three years as yet. Gladly in this semester, Noura stady with me in the same class. She study English learning more and to be good speaker in English . Noura pleasseds in her study . On weekend she some times goes to shopping or visit her reletives. She plans to become business woman. Noura looks for success and creation in her life.

وهاد التاني:

My classmate is kandly and cheerful person. Her name is Ghalih . She comes from ****. She lives with her family. Our friendship has lasted three years for now. Ghalih is studying English and coputer. She study Enghlish to become translator . On weekend , she often ****s on the Internet and writes in her page at Face booK. She plans to be best and gets ‏master's degree . Ghalih whishs beautiful tomorrow for all the people.


يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

ملوكة السعودية
My classmate is an energetic and dreamy person. Her name is Noura . She is from ****. She lives with her parents and her brother . We have been together since three years. Gladly, Noura is studying with me in the same class this semester. She does her best in studying English Language in order to be a good speaker. Noura is pleased with her study. On weekend, she goes for shopping or visits her relatives sometimes. She plans to become business woman. Noura looks for success and creation in her life.
ملوكة السعودية
My classmate is a soft-hearted and cheerful person. Her name is Ghalih . She came from ****. She lives with her family. we have been together since three years. Ghalih is studying English and computer. She studies English to become a translator . On weekend , she often ****s on the Internet and writes in her page at Facebook. She plans to get master's degree . Ghalih wishes a beautiful future for all the people.

سويت شوية تعديلات وبعض الاضافات

مريومة توتو
مريومة توتو
thanks sooooooooooo much

allah bless you

يسلموووووووو يا ملوكة الله يسعدك ويسعدك ويسعدك ..تشكراتي العاجزة عن شكرك :)
الله يجزيكي الخير
ترى قوقل حوادث في ترجمه الجمل
مافيك تترجمي جمله كامله كثير يصير اخطاء
افضل شئ ترجمي كلمات فقط..
اللهم صلى على نبينا محمد