Amal and the Boring

There was a woman named Amal. Amal lived in a small house with her husband and her three children

She had a problem. Her problem was that she was bored all the time

Her relationship with her husband was very bad. Her way to deal with her children was very bad

She was alone. She did not like meeting people and the reason for all these things is the boring
Because she felt bored all the time she could not be nice with others
She could not feel happy in her relationships
Plus to that, she was complaining constantly and blamed the others
She thought that people must to make her happy and be nice with her all the time

Because everything was boring to her, she spent her time in watching TV
She always had wanted to do something for Islam
She always had wanted to be a great wife, a great mother and a great woman
But it was just a wish. She had tried many times to change her life but she failed every time
She knew that she was wrong. She knew that the death is coming and she did not prepare for it
Unfortunately, she kept minimizing her problem
Every day she said "I will change tomorrow. My problem is not too serious
She thought that she is butter than a lot of people who are worse than her, so nothing changed
There was one thing very important Amal doing it every day
She was asking the God to help her and show her the right way

So one day, she got lessons about changing and leadership
They were audio lessons. She listened to them and discovered the solution
She learned how to change herself and being a good leader
In fact, she found in these lessons something very important. She found the way of passion
And now come to read about what Amal did to change her life
First of all: she asked Allah to help her and she did it constantly
this is the most important step without his help we cannot do anything
Second: she started the journey of changing
She decided to break old destructive habits and establish new ones instead. It was very difficult but Allah helped her
Finally, she did it but how
She connected a huge amount of emotional pain to not changing. So she stopped minimizing her problem
She started to imagine what could be happened if she did not change
She imagined what would happen to her after the death if she did not change
She imagined the hell and the fear
She lived that horrible live in her mind. She felt very scared
On other hand, she imagined the heaven and her live in it if she changed
She created a strong emotional power to make her change her life
Also, she created passion
She asked herself "what is my mission in this life? What is my vision? What is my big why? When I do anything why am I doing it
She thought constantly about these questions
Ultimately, she found the answer
Every morning she started his life with a big smile
In the beginning she faked the smile
In fact she found out that changing her physiology will change her psychology so every morning she pulled back her shoulders
She put her chin up
She breathed deeply
She smiled and told herself "it is a new day Allah gave it to you to do everything you can to be closer to him and
get the heaven so do not waste the time
you can be up so high in the heaven in shaa Allah just work very hard
Or you will be the biggest loser
The chance comes just one time
She listened to the lessons every day and
she listened to the same lessen many times until it goes deeply into her brain and becomes a part from her personality
And now Amal became a great woman
Her relations with her husband and her children became incredible. She became a great leader to her family
She stopped complaining do you new why
Because now when her husband or her children ask her to do something for them
she tells herself "yes, it is an opportunity to do something nice
Maybe Allah will accept it so I can be closer to him" and
when something bad happens to her
or when she cannot get something she wants, she tells herself "Allah is the one who knows what is the best not me
She established a new project for Islam. Do you know what it is
Try to guess