$el.classList.remove('shaking'), 820))"
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x-transition:enter-end="opacity-100 translate-y-0 sm:scale-100"
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assalamu 3alaykum wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatuh dear sister :)
I know lots of ppl face this problem just as u do.. so don't worry.. with time u'll overcome it..
the porblem might be coz u don't practice enough.. talk to ur friends.. to ur teachers and to ppl u know.. shopkeepers.. and others..
read, read, read, read, read, and read.. my heartfelt advice.. DO READ.. it helps so much..
and when u post in english forums it helps u as well.. do look for them.. read ppl's posts and post ur own..
may Allah help u and make things easy for u..
salaaaaaaaam :)