Approximate Size 13 inches square
This doily can be made with the following:
The Famous "PURITAN" CROCHET COTTON, Article 40
"DELUXE" Quality CROCHET COTTON, Article 346
1 ball each Ecru, Pink, Nile Green or Lt. Green or colors desired
Steel crochet hook No. 7
With Pink ch 5, join to form a ring, ch 1 and work 8 s c in ring, join in 1st s c.
2nd Row -* Ch 3, s c in next s c, repeat from * all around (8 loops).
3rd Row - Ch 1 and over each loop work 1 s c, 3 d c, 1 s c, join.
4th Row -* Ch 4, sl st in back of work between next 2 petals, repeat from * 7 times.
5th Row - Ch 1 and over each loop work 1 s c, 4 d c, 1 s c, join.
6th Row - Same as 4th row but having 5 chs in each loop.
7th Row - Ch 1 and over each loop work 1 s c, 6 d c, 1 s c, join.
8th Row - Same as 4th row but having 6 chs in each loop.
9th Row - Ch 1 and over each loop work 1 s c, 8 d c, 1 s c, join.
10th Row - Same as 4th row but having 7 chs in each loop.
11th Row - Ch 1 and over each loop work 1 s c, 10 d c, 1 s c, join
12th Row - Same as 4th row but having 8 chs in each loop.
13th Row - Ch 1 and over each loop work 1 s c, 12 d c, 1 s c, join
14th Row - Same as 4th row but having 9 chs in each loop.
15th Row - Ch 1 and over each loop work 1 s c, 14 d c, 1 s c, join.
16th Row - Same as 4th row but having 10 chs in each loop.
17th Row - Ch 1 and over each loop Work I s c, 3 d c, 10 tr c, 3 d c, 1 s c, join, cut thread.
LEAVES - Attach Green in 14th row in back of work between any 2 petals, ch 10, s c in 2nd st from hook, 1 s d c in each of the next 2 sts of ch (s d c: thread over hook, insert in st, pull through, thread over and pull through all loops at one time), 1 d c in each remaining st of ch, s c in same space of same row in back of work, ch 1 2, s c in 2nd st from hook, 1 s d c in each of the next 2 sts of ch, 1 d c in each remaining st of ch, s c in same space in back of work, ch 10 and work back on ch same as on previous ch, s c in some row in back of work, cut thread.
Work another group of leaves in same manner between 3rd and 4th petals,
5th and 6th petals and 7th and 8th petals (4 groups of leaves).
Attach Ecru in tip of center leaf of any corner, * ch 6, s c in tip of next leaf, ch 6, d c in 3rd tr c of next pets!, ch 6, skip 4 sts of some petal, d c in next st, ch 6, d c in 3rd tr c of next petal, ch 6, skip 4 sts of some petal, d c in next st, ch 6, s c in tip of 1st leaf of corner, ch 6, s c in tip of next leaf, repeat from * all around.
2nd Row - Ch 1, s c in same space, ** 5 s c in next loop, s c in next s c, * 5 s c in next loop, s c in next d c, repeat from * 3 times, * 5 s c in next loop, s c in next s c, repeat from * once, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, join.
3rd Row - Ch 10, d c in same space, * ch 1, skip 1 s c, d c in next s c, repeat from * all around working 1 d c, ch 7, 1 d c in center st at each corner (2) meshes on each side not counting corners), ch 1, join in 3rd st of ch.
4th Row - Sl st into loop, ch 5, tr c in same space, * ch 1, tr c in same space, repeat from a 5 times, ** skip 1 mesh, 3 d c in next mesh, * ch 1, skip 1 mesh, 3 d c in next mesh, repeat from * 8 times, skip 1 mesh, 8 tr c with ch 1 between each tr c in corner loop, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, join in 4th st of ch.
5th Row - Ch 5, tr c in same space, * ch 1, 1 tr c, ch 1, 1 tr c in next tr c, repeat from * 6 times, skip 3 d c, 3 d c in next ch 1 space, * ch 1, 3 d c in next ch 1 space, repeat from * 7 times, skip 3 d c, 1 tr c, ch 1, 1 tr c in next tr c, repeat from 1st * all around ending to correspond, join in 4th st of ch.
6th Row - Ch 6, tr c in next tr c, * ch 2, tr c in next tr c, repeat from * 13 times, ** skip 3 d c, 3 d c in next ch 1 space, * ch 1, 3 d c in next ch 1 space, repeat from * 6 times, tr c in next tr c, * ch 2, tr c in next tr c, repeat from * 14 times, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, join in 4th st of ch.
7th Row - Ch 7 and work same as last row but having 3 chs between each tr c around corners and having 7 groups of d c on each side.
8th Row - Ch 8 and work same as last row but having 4 chs between each tr c and having 6 groups of d c on each side.
Work 5 more rows in same manner starting each row with 1 more ch and having 1 more ch between each tr c in each row and 1 less group of d c on each side in each row ( 1 group of d c left on each side), cut thread.
EDGE - Attach Green in center st of 3 d c group, * ch 4, sl st in center st of next loop, ch 3, sl st in same space, ch 4, s c in next tr c, ch 4, s c in 2nd st from hook, s d c in next st of ch, d c in next st of ch, sl st in same tr c, repeat from * 13 times, ch 4, sl st in center st of next loop, ch 3, sl st in some space, ch 4, s c in center d c of the 3 d c group, repeat from 1st * all around, join, cut thread

Materials Required:
2 balls White and 1 ball each Pink and Kelly Green
Approximate size: 21 inches in diameter at rounded scallop or
5 balls Silver Spangle
2 balls Pink Spangle
1 ball Green Spangle or colors of your choice.
Approximate size: 22 inches in diameter
Steel crochet hook No. 7.
With White chain (ch) 8, join to form a ring, ch 4, work 23 treble crochet (tr c) in ring, join in 4th stitch (st) of ch.
2nd Round. Ch 4, 2 tr c in same space, * ch 2, skip 1 tr c, 3 tr c in next tr c, repeat from * all around, ch 2, join in 4th st of ch.
3rd Round. Slip stitch (sl st) to next tr c, ch 4, 1 tr c, ch 3, 2 tr c in same space, * 2 tr c, ch 3, 2 tr c in center tr c of next 3 tr c group, repeat from * all around, join.
4th Round. Sl st into loop, ch 6, tr c in same space, ch 2, tr c in same space, * ch 3, 3 tr c with ch 2 between each tr c in next loop, repeat from * all around, ch 3, join in 4th st of ch.
5th Round. Sl st to next tr c, ch 4, 2 tr c in same space, ch 2, 3 tr c in same space, * ch 3, skip 1 tr c, single crochet (sc) in next loop, ch 3, skip 1 tr c, 3 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c (3 tr c shell) in next tr c, repeat from * all around ending with ch 3, skip 1 tr c, sc in next loop, ch 3, join.
6th Round. Sl st to center of shell, * ch 6, tr c in next sc, ch 6, sc in center of next shell, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
7th Round. * Ch 4, 3 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c in next tr c, ch 4, sc in next sc, repeat from * all around, join in same st as beginning.
8th Round. Ch 12, sc in center of next shell, * ch 8, tr c in next sc, ch 8, sc in center of next shell, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join in 4th st of ch.
9th Round. Ch 1, sc in same space, * 8 sc over next loop, sc in next sc, 8 sc over next loop, sc in next tr c, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
10th Round. * Ch 5, skip 2 sc, sc in next sc, repeat from * all around ending with ch 2, double crochet (dc) in same space as beginning (72 loops).
11th Round. * Ch 5, sc in next loop, repeat from * all around ending with ch 2, dc in dc. Repeat the last round 7 times.
Next Round. * Ch 6, sc in next loop, repeat from * all around ending with ch 3, dc in dc.
Next Round. Same as last round but ending with ch 2, tr c in dc.
21st Round. Ch 4, 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c over tr c just made, * * ch 3, sc in next loop, * ch 6, sc in next loop, repeat from * 9 times, ch 3, 3 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c (shell) in next loop, repeat from * * all around ending to correspond, ch 3, join in 4th st of ch.
22nd Round. Sl st to center of shell, ch 4, 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c in same space, * * ch 6, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, * ch 6, sc in next loop, repeat from * 8 times, ch 6, skip 1 loop, shell in center of next shell, repeat from * * all around ending to correspond, ch 6, join.
23rd Round. Sl st to center of shell, ch 4, 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c in same space, * * ch 7, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, * ch 6, sc in next loop, repeat from * 7 times, ch 7, skip 1 loop, 3 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c in center of next shell, repeat from * * all around ending to correspond, ch 7, join.
24th Round. Sl st to ch 2 loop, ch 4, 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c in same space, * * ch 7, shell in next ch 2 loop, ch 7, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, * ch 6, sc in next loop, repeat from * 6 times, ch 7, skip 1 loop, shell in next ch 2 loop, repeat from * * all around ending to correspond, ch 7, join.
25th Round. Sl st to center of shell, ch 4, 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c in same space, * * ch 1, skip 2 tr c, 1 tr c, ch 3, 1 tr c in next tr c, ch 1, shell in center st of next loop, ch 1, 1 tr c, ch 3, 1 tr c in next tr c, ch 1, shell in center of same shell, ch 7, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, * ch 6, sc in next loop, repeat from * 5 times, ch 7, skip 1 loop, shell in center of next shell, repeat from * * all around ending to correspond, ch 7, join.
26th Round. Sl st to center of shell, ch 4, 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c in same space, * * ch 5, 1 tr c, ch 5, 1 tr c in next ch 3 loop, ch 5, 1 tr c, ch 5, 1 tr c in center of next shell, ch 5, 1 tr c, ch 5, 1 tr c in next ch 3 loop, ch 5, shell in next shell, ch 7, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, * ch 6, sc in next loop, repeat from * 4 times, ch 7, shell in center of next shell, repeat from * * all around ending to correspond, ch 7, join.
27th Round. Sl st to center of shell, ch 4, 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c in same space, * * ch 2, sc in center st of next loop, * ch 2, 2 tr c, ch 2, 2 tr c in next tr c (2 tr c shell), ch 2, sc in center st of next loop, repeat from * 5 times, ch 2, shell in center of next shell, ch 7, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, * ch 6, sc in next loop, repeat from * 3 times, ch 7, shell in next shell, repeat from * * all around ending to correspond, ch 7, join.
28th Round. Sl st to center of shell, ch 4, 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c in same space, * 3 tr c shell in center of next 2 tr c shell, reoeat from * 5 times, shell in center of next shell, ch 7, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, * ch 6, sc in next loop, repeat from * twice, ch 7, shell in center of next shell, repeat from 1st * all around ending to correspond, ch 7, join.
29th Round. Sl st to center of shell, ch 4, 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c in same space, * ch 5, 1 tr c, ch 5, 1 tr c in center of next shell, repeat from * 5 times, ch 5, shell in next shell, ch 7, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, * ch 6, sc in next loop, repeat from * once, ch 7, shell in next shell, repeat from 1st * all around ending to correspond, ch 7, join.
30th Round. Sl st to center of shell, ch 4, 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c in same space, * ch 2, sc in center st of next loop, ch 2, 2 tr c shell in next tr c, repeat from * 11 times, ch 2, sc in center st of next loop, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 7, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, ch 6, sc in next loop, ch 7, shell in next shell, repeat from 1st * all around ending to correspond, ch 7, join.
31st Round. Sl st to center of shell, ch 4, 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c in same space, * ch 5, sc in center of next 2 tr c shell, ch 5, 3 tr c in center of next shell, ch 5, sl st in 4th st from hook for picot, ch 1, 3 tr c in same space, repeat from * twice, * 3 tr c in center of next shell, ch 5, sl st in 4th st from hook for picot, ch 1, 3 tr c in same space, ch 5, sc in center of next shell, ch 5, repeat from * twice, shell in next shell, ch 7, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, ch 7, shell in next shell, turn. Sl st to center of shell just made, ch 4, 1 tr c in same space, ch 2, 3 tr c in same space ,ch 7, sc in next sc, ch 7, shell in next shell, turn. Sl st to center of shell, ch 4, 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c in same space, 3 tr c, ch 2, 2 tr c in ch 2 loop of next shell, turn. Sl st to ch 2 loop of same shell, ch 4, 1 tr c in same space, 3 tr c in center of next shell, turn. Sl st across 1st 3 tr c, ch 4, 2 tr c in same space keeping last loop of each tr c on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time, ch 4, sl st in top of cluster st just made for picot, ch 4, sl st in base of cluster st, sl st across next 2 sts of row below, ch 4, sl st in center of shell of row below, * sl st across next 2 sts of same shell, ch 4, sl st in center of shell in row below, repeat from * once, sl st across next 3 tr c of same shell, repeat from 1st * all around. After finishing last scallop, ch 7, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, ch 7, join in 4th st of ch, sl st in center of 1st shell, turn, finish point to correspond to other points.
Leaves: With Green ch 10, sc in 2nd st from hook, sc in next st of ch, short double crochet (sdc) in next st (sdc; thread over hook, insert in st, pull loop through, thread over and work off all loops at one time), 1 double crochet (dc) in each of the next 5 sts of ch, 5 dc in next st, working on other side of ch, 1 dc in each of the next 5 sts, 1 sdc in next st, 1 sc in each of the next 2 sts, join, ch 1, cut thread. Work 17 more leaves in same manner.
Stem: With Green ch 28, sl st in 2nd st from hook, 1 sl st in each remaining st of ch, cut thread. Work 5 more stems in same manner.
Rose: With Pink ch 5, join to form a ring, ch 5, dc in ring, * ch 2, dc in ring, repeat from * 5 times, ch 2, join in 3rd st of ch.
2nd Round. Ch 1 and work 1 sc, 3 dc, 1 sc over each mesh, join.
3rd Round. * Ch 4, sl st in back of work between next 2 petals, repeat from * 7 times.
4th Round. Ch 1 and over each loop work 1 sc, 4 dc, 1 sc, join.
5th Round. * Ch 5, sl st in back of work between next 2 petals, repeat from * 7 times.
6th Round. Ch 1 and over each loop work 1 sc, 5 dc, 1 sc, join.
7th Round. * Ch 6, sl st in back of work between next 2 petals, repeat from * 7 times.
8th Round. Ch 1 and over each loop work 1 sc, 6 dc, 1 sc, join, cut thread. Work 5 more roses in same manner.
Sew roses, leaves and stems in position as illustrated.

1 ball each White, Kelly Green, Shaded Lt. Pinks and Shaded Lavenders or
1 ball each Silver Spangle, Pink Spangle, Aqua Spangle and Green Spangle or colors of your choice
Steel Crochet Hook No. 7
App. size: 8 inches in diameter for "PURITAN"
8 1/2 inches in diameter for "PURITAN" STAR SPANGLED
With White or Silver Spangle chain (ch) 8, join to form a ring, ch 4, keeping last loop of each stitch (st) on hook work 2 treble crochet (trc) in ring, thread over and work off all loops at one time, * ch 3, keeping last loop of each st on hook, 3 trc in ring, thread over and work off all loops at once, ch 3, slip stitch (sl st) in top of st for picot, repeat from * 6 times, ch 3, join, ch 3, sl st in same space for picot.
2nd ROUND: Sl st into loop, ch 4, 3 trc in same loop, * ch 3, skip the next picot, 4 trc in next loop, repeat from * all around, ch 3, join in 4th st of ch.
3rd ROUND: Ch 4, trc in same space, * trc in next trc, ch 1, trc in next trc, 2 trc in next trc, ch 3, 2 trc in next trc, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
4th ROUND: Ch 4, trc in same space, * 1 trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 2, 1 trc in each of the next 2 trc, 2 trc in next trc, ch 3, 2 trc in next trc, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
5th ROUND: Ch 4, trc in same space, * 1 trc in each of the next 3 trc, ch 3, 1 trc in each of the next 3 trc, 2 trc in next trc, ch 3, 2 trc in next trc, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
6th ROUND: Ch 4, keeping last loop of each st on hook work 1 trc in each of the next 4 trc, thread over and work off all loops at one time, * ch 4, 1 trc, ch 4, 1 trc in next loop, ch 4, keeping last loop of each st on hook work 1 trc in each of the next 5 trc, thread over and work off all loops at one time (trc cluster st) , ch 9, trc cluster st over next 5 trc, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join in 1st cluster st.
7th ROUND: Sl st to next trc, ch 8, * 1 trc, ch 4, 1 trc in next loop, ch 4, trc in next trc, ch 4, skip next loop, 3 single crochet (sc), ch 3, 3 sc in next loop, ch 4, skip the next cluster st, trc in next trc, ch 4, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join in 4th st of ch, cut thread.
8th ROUND: Attach Shaded Lt. Pinks or Pink Spangle in any ch 3 loop, * ch 15, sl st in same loop, repeat from * 4 times, cut thread. Work a group of long loops in same manner in each of the seven ch 3 loops.
9th ROUND: Attach Green in 1st long loop of any group, sc in same space, * ch 5, sc in next loop, repeat from * 3 times, ch 5, skip next 2 loops, sc in next long loop, repeat from 1st * all around ending to correspond, join in 1st sc, cut thread.
10th ROUND: Attach Shaded Lavenders or Aqua Spangle in any ch 3 loop and work same as 8th round.
11th ROUND: Attach Green in 1st long loop of any group, 1 sc, ch 3, 1 sc in same loop, * ch 3, 1 sc, ch 3, 1 sc in next loop, repeat from * 3 times, ch 3, skip next loop, 1 sc, ch 3, 1 sc in next loop, * ch 3, 1 sc, ch 3, 1 sc in next loop, repeat from * twice, ch 8, skip next loop, ch 3, 1 sc, ch 3, 1 sc in next long loop, repeat from 1st * all around ending to correspond, join, cut thread.
Size 30, 1 ball each of (No. 3020) Nile Green, (No. 3032} Dk. Yellow, (No. 3011) Blue, (No. 3018) Beauty Pink, (No. 3000) Lavender, (No. 3035) Ombre Yellow, (No. 3036) Ombre Blue, (No. 3037) Ombre Pink and (No. 3039) Ombre Lavender.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 10.
Doily measures 13 inches in diameter.
Starting at center with Nile Green ch 12. Join with sl st to form ring.
1st rnd: Ch 4, 31 tr in ring. Join.
2nd rnd: Ch 5, * tr in next tr, ch 1. Repeat from * around. Join to 4th ch of ch-5.
3rd rnd: Sl st in next sp, sc in same sp, * ch 5, sc in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join.
4th rnd: Sl st in next 2 ch and in loop, ch 4, in same loop make 3 tr, ch 5 and 4 tr; * skip next loop, dc in next loop, skip next loop, in next loop make 4 tr, ch 5 and 4 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.
5th rnd: Ch 4, holding back on hook the last loop of each tr make tr in next 3 tr, thread over and draw through all loops on hook (cluster made); * ch 7, sc in next sp, ch 7, (4-tr cluster over next 4 tr) twice. Repeat from * around. Join.
6th rnd: Sl st to center of next sp, sc in same sp, * ch 7, sc in next sp, ch 5, 3 dc in tip of clusters, ch 5, sc in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join to first sc made.
7th rnd: Sl st in next 2 ch and in sp, ch 4, in same sp make 3 tr, ch 5 and 4 tr; * ch 5, dc in next 3 dc, ch 5, ski)) next sp, in next sp make 4 tr, ch 5 and 4 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.
8th rnd: Ch 4, 3-tr cluster over next 3 tr, * ch 7, sc in next sp, ch 7, 4-tr cluster over next 4 tr, ch 3, dc in next 3 dc, ch 3, 4-tr cluster over next 4 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.
9th rnd: Sl st to center of next sp, sc in same sp, * ch 7, sc in next sp, ch 8, dc in next 3 dc, ch 8, skip next sp, sc in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join.
10th rnd: Sl st in next 2 ch and in sp, ch 4, in same sp make 3 tr, ch 7 and 4 tr; * ch 8, dc in next 3 dc, ch 8, skip next sp, in next sp make 4 tr, ch 7 and 4 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.
11th rnd: Ch 4, 3-tr cluster over next 3 tr, * ch 6, sc in next sp, ch 7, 4-tr cluster over next 4 tr, ch 8, dc in next 3 dc, ch 8, 4-tr cluster over next 4 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.
12th rnd: Sl st to center of next sp, sc in same sp, * (ch 8, sc in next sp) twice; ch 4, dc in next 3 dc. ch 4, sc in next sp, ch 8, sc in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join.
13th rnd: Sl st in next 2 ch and in sp, ch 4, in same sp make 3 tr, ch 6 and 4 tr; * ch 7, sc in next sp, ch 6, dc in next 3 dc, ch 7, skip next sp, sc in next sp, ch 6, in next sp make 4 tr, ch 6 and 4 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.
14th rnd: Ch 4, 3-tr cluster over next 3 tr, * ch 6, sc in next sp, ch 6, 4-tr cluster over next 4 tr, ch 7, skip next sp, sc in next sp. ch 4, dc in next 3 dc, ch 4, sc in next sp, ch 7, 4-tr cluster over next 4 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.
15th rnd: Sl st to center of next sp, sc in same sp, * ch 7, sc in next sp, ch 6, sc in next sp, ch 4, (2 d tr cluster in next dc, ch 4) 3 times; skip next sp, sc in next sp, ch 6. sc in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join.
16th rnd: Sl st in next sp, ch 4, make 3-tr cluster in same sp, (ch 5, 4-tr cluster in same sp) 3 times; ch 5, * sc in next sp, ch 5, 2 sc in next sp, sc in d tr cluster, (5 sc in next sp) twice; sc in next d tr cluster, 2 sc in next sp, ch 5, sc in next sp, ch 5, in next sp make (4 tr cluster, ch 5) 4 times. Repeat from * around. Join.
17th rnd: Sl st to center of next sp, sc in same sp, * (ch 10, sc in next sp) 3 times; (ch 10, dc in center sc of next 5 sc group) twice; ch 10, skip next sp, sc in from * around. Join and break off.
BUTTERFLY . . . Starting at center with Dk. Yellow, ch 8. Join with sl st to form ring.
LARGE WING ... 1st row: Ch 4, 9 tr in ring. Ch 3, turn.
2nd row: Skip first tr, (sc between next 2 tr, ch 3) 7 times; sc between next tr and ch-4 (8 loops). Ch 3, turn.
3rd row: Skip first loop, * sc in next loop, ch 3. Repeat from * across, ending with sc in last loop. Ch 3, turn.
4th to 9th rows incl: Repeat 3rd row. Break off at end of 9th row.
Attach thread to ring and make another Large Wing in the same way.
SMALL WING (Make 2) ... Attach thread to ring. 1st row: Ch 4, 5 tr in ring. Ch 3, turn.
2nd row: Skip first tr, (sc between next 2 tr, ch 3) twice; sc between next tr and ch-4 (4 loops). Ch 3, turn.
3rd, 4th and 5th rows: Repeat 3rd row of Large Wing. Break off at end of 5th row. Attach thread at base of any wing and sc closely around all 4 wings. Break off.
HEAD . .. Ch 2, 10 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Join.
ANTENNAE ... * Ch 8, thread over insert hook in 2nd ch from hook, draw loop through, (thread over, insert hook in same ch, draw loop through) twice; thread over and draw through all loops on hook, sl st in each ch across, sl st in any sc on Head. Repeat from * once more, ending with sl st in same sc on Head. Sl st in next 4 sc on Head.
BODY...Ch 25, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 7 ch, half dc in next 2 ch, dc in next 3 ch, tr in next 4 ch, dc in next 3 ch, half dc in next 2 ch, sc in next 2 ch, sl st in Head. Break off.
Make 7 more Butterflies using remaining colors.
DOT (Make 32 in assorted colors).. Ch 2, 10 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Join and break off. Sew a Dot to each Wing of Butterfly. Sew Butterflies in place around Doily.
ROYAL SOCIETY SIX CORD CORDICHET, Large Ball, (Size 30), 2 balls each of Nile Green and White, 1 ball each of Yellow and Dk. Yellow.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 10.
Doily measures 14 1/2 inches in diameter.
Starting at center with Nile Green, ch 15. Join with sl st to form ring.
1st rnd: Ch 3, 31 dc in ring. Join to top of ch-3.
2nd rnd: Ch 4, * dc in next dc, ch 1. Repeat from * around. Join to 3rd ch of ch-4.
3rd rnd: Sl st in next sp, * ch 5, tr in next sp, ch 1, tr in next sp, ch 5, sl st in next 2 sps. Repeat from * around.
4th rnd: Sl st in next 4 ch and in next sp, ch 5, * tr in next sp, ch 1, tr in next sp, ch 5, tr in next sp, ch 1. Repeat from * around. Join to 4th ch of ch 5.
5th rnd: Sl st in next sp, sc in same sp, * ch 7, sc in next sp, 7 sc in next sp, sc in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join.
6th rnd: Sl st in next 3 ch and in loop, ch 4, holding back on hook the last loop of each tr make 3 tr in same loop, thread over and draw through all loops on hook (cluster made) * ch 7, skip 3 sc, tr tr in next sc, ch 7, 4-tr cluster in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join to tip of first cluster.
7th rnd: In each sp around make 5 sc, ch 3 and 5 sc. Join.
8th rnd: Sl st in next 5 sc and in ch-3 loop, ch 4, 3 tr in same loop, * ch 7, 4 tr in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join.
9th rnd: Ch 4, tr in next 3 tr, * ch 8, tr in next 4 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.
10th and 11th rnds: Repeat 9th rnd. making ch 9 between tr groups.
12th rnd: * Ch 4, tr in next 2 tr, ch 4, sl st in next tr, ch 5, make a 4-d tr cluster in same tr, ch 4, 4-d tr cluster in next tr, ch a, sl st in same tr. Repeat from * around, ending with 4-d tr cluster in same place as first sl st, ch 5, sl st in same place.
13th rnd: Sl st in next 4 ch, ch 4, tr in next 2 tr and in top of ch-4, * ch 7, tr in next sp, ch 7, tr in top of next ch-4, tr in next 2 tr, tr in top of next ch-4. Repeat from * around. Join.
14th rnd: Ch 4, tr in next 3 tr, * ch 9, sc in next tr, ch 9, tr in next 4 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.
15th rnd: Ch 4, tr in next 3 tr, * ch 5, sc in next sp, ch 9, sc in next sp, ch 5, tr in next 4 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.
16th rnd: Ch 4, tr in next 3 tr, * ch 9, skip next sp, tr in next sp, ch 9, tr in next 4 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.
17th rnd: Ch 4, tr in next 3 tr, * ch 10, tr in next tr, ch 10, tr in next 4 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.
18th rnd: Ch 4, tr in next 3 tr, * ch 10, tr in next tr, ch 4, 3 tr in last tr made, ch 4, sl st in same tr, ch 10, tr in next 4 tr. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.
FIRST MOTIF . .. Starting at center with Dk. Yellow, ch 4.
1st rnd: 13 dc in 4th ch from hook. Join.
2nd rnd: Ch 3, dc in same place as sl st, 2 dc in each dc around. Join and break off.
3rd rnd: Attach White to any dc on 2nd rnd, sc in same place, * ch 12, dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across, skip next dc on 2nd rnd, sc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.
4th rnd: Attach Yellow to first dc made on any petal, sc in same place, ch 2, sc in base of 3rd dc on next petal, ch 8, sl st in top of first ch-4 of any tr group on doily, ch 4, sl st in 4th ch of ch-8, ch 4, sc in first dc on same petal, ch 2, sc in base of 3rd dc on next petal, ch 8, sl st in center of next tr group, ch 4, sl st in 4th ch of ch-8, ch 4, sc in first dc on same petal, ch 2, sc in base of 3rd dc on next petal, ch 8, sl st in top of next ch-4 of next tr group, ch 4, sl st in 4th ch of ch-8, ch 4, * sc in first dc on same petal, ch 2, sc in base of 3rd dc on next petal, ch 7. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.
SECOND MOTIF . . . Work as for First Motif until 3 rnds are completed. 4th rnd: Attach Yellow to first dc made on any petal, sc in same place, ch 2, sc in base of 3rd dc on next petal, ch 3, sl st in 2nd free loop following joining on First Motif, ch 3, sc in first dc on same petal on Second Motif, ch 2, sc in base of 3rd dc on next petal, ch 3, sl st in next loop on First Motif, ch 3, sc in first dc on same petal on Second Motif, ch 2, sc in base of 3rd dc on next petal group as First Motif was joined, ch 4, sl st in 4th ch of ch-8, ch 4, sc in first dc on same petal, ch 2, sc in base of 3rd dc on next petal, ch 8, sl st in center of next tr group, ch 4, sl st in 4th ch of ch-8, ch 4, sc in first dc on same petal, ch 2, sc in base of 3rd dc on next petal, ch 8, sl st in top of next ch-4 on next tr group, ch 4, sl st in 4th ch of ch-8, ch 4, sc in first dc on same petal, ch 2, sc in base of 3rd dc on next petal. Complete rnd as for First Motif.
Make 14 more motifs, joining corresponding loops as Second Motif was joined to First Motif and to Doily. Join corresponding loops on last motif to First Motif. Starch
MATERIALS -1 cone Lily Frost-tone Crochet Cotton in Ecru;
Lily Sil-Tone Mercerized Crochet Cotton:-2 balls each Yellow, Orange, Lavender and Purple;
1 sk. Lily Six Strand Floss in Lt. Green.
Crochet hooks sizes 10 and 12.
Size 20 inches.
CENTER In Frost-Tone and size 10 hook, ch 7, sl st in 1st st. Ch 3, 17 dc in ring, sl st in 3-ch.
ROW 2-Ch 10, dtr in next dc, (ch 3, dtr in next dc) 16 times, ch 3, sl st in 7th st of 10-ch.
ROW 3-Ch 1, * (2 sc. ch 5, sl st in last sc for a p and 2 sc) all in next sp, sc in dtr. Repeat from * around. Sl st in 1st 1-ch.
ROW 4-Ch 12, turn, tr midway between next 2 ps, (ch 7, tr between next 2 ps) repeated around. Ch 7, sl st in 5th st of 12-ch.
ROW 5-Ch 3, turn, (2 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc, 1 hdc and 1 dc) in next lp, * (dc in same lp, dc in next tr and dc in next lp) holding back the last lp of each on hook, thread over and pull thru all 4 lps at once for a Cluster, (dc, hdc, sc, hdc and dc) in bal. of lp. Repeat from * around. In last half of final lp, make hdc, a 2-dc-Cluster, sl st in 1st dc.
ROW 6- Ch 3, dc in same st, * dc in next st, hdc in next, ch 1, sl st in next sc, ch 1, hdc in next st, dc in next, 3 dc in next. Repeat from * around. Complete 1st scallop with ch 1, hdc, 2 dc, sl st in 1st 3-ch.
ROW 7-Turn, (ch 7, sc in 5th ch st from hook for a p, ch 9, p, ch 3, sc in center dc of next scallop) repeated around. Cut 6 inches long, thread to a needle and fasten off on back.
ROW 8-Turn, join to one loop, (ch 8, p, ch 9, p, ch 4, sc in next lp) repeated around. Fasten off on back.
ROW 9-Turn, join to one lp, (ch 15, sc in next lp) 17 times, ch 8, dtr in next lp.
ROW 10-Ch 3, turn. 5 dc in dtr, (ch 9, 6 dc in 1 lp of center st of next lp) repeated around. Join final 9-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 11-Ch 10. turn. (dc in next 3 dc, ch 3, dc in next 3 dc, ch 7) repeated around. End with 2 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 10-ch.
ROW 12-Ch 3, turn, * 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next, ch 4, 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next, 1 dc in next, ch 3, sc under center of next 2 lps, ch 5, sl st in sc for a p, sc under same lps, ch 3, dc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join final 3-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 13-Ch 7, turn, (dc in next 4 dc, ch 5, dc in next 4 dc, ch 3) repeated around. End with 3 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 7-ch.
ROW 14-Ch 3, turn, * 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc, ch 5, dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next dc, ch 2, dc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join final 2-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 15-Ch 6, turn, * (5 dc, ch 5 and 5 dc) across next leaf, ch 3 and repeat from * around. End with 4 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 6-ch.
ROW 16-Ch 3, turn, (2 dc in next dc, dc in 3 dc, ch 5, dc in 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next, ch 3, dc in next dc) repeated around. Join final 3-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 17-Ch 9, turn, * (6 dc, ch 5, 6 dc) across next leaf, ch 6 and repeat from * around End with 5 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 9-ch.
ROW 18-Ch 3 turn, * 2 dc in next dc, 4 dc across, ch 5, (4 dc, a 2 dc increase and 1 dc) across next group, ch 3, dc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join final 3-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 19-Ch 6, turn. * (sc, a 5-ch p. sc) under next 2 lps, ch 3, (7 dc, ch 5, 7 dc) across next leaf, ch 3 and repeat from * around. End with 6 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 6-ch.
ROW 20-Ch 3, turn, (dc in next 2 dc) worked off tog. into 1 st for a decrease, dc in next 4 dc, * ch 5, dc in next 5 dc, a dec. in next 2 dc, ch 9, a dec. in 1st 2 dc of next group, dc in next 5 dc. Repeat from * around. Join final 9-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 21-Ch 11, turn, * (6 dc, ch 5 6 dc) across next leaf, ch 8 and repeat from * around. End with 5 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 11-ch.
ROW 22-Ch 3, turn, a dec. in next 2 dc, dc in next 3 dc, * ch 5, 4 dc and a dec. across next group, ch 4, (sc, a p, sc) under center of next 2 lps, ch 4, a dec. in next 2 dc, dc in next 4 dc. Repeat from * around. Join final 4-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 23-Ch 17, turn, * a dec. in next 2 dc, dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, ch 3, 2 dc in next dc, dc in 2 dc, a dec. in next 2 dc, ch 14 and repeat from * around. End with 2 dc in 1st dc of final group, 1 dc in next dc, a dec. in next 2 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 17-ch.
ROW 24-Ch 3, turn, a dec. in next 2 dc, dc in next dc, * 2 dc in next dc, ch 1, 2 dc in next dc, dc in 2 dc, a dec. in next 2 dc, ch 16, a dec. in next 2 dc, dc in next 2 dc. Repeat from * around. Join final 16-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 25-Ch 13, turn, * (sc, a p. sc) under center of next 2 lps, ch 10, (a dec. in next 2 dc, dc in next 2 dc) twice, a dec. in next 2 dc, ch 10 and repeat from * around. Across final leaf make a dec. in I st 2 dc, dc in 2 dc, a dec. in next 2 dc, 1 dc, a dec. in next 2 dc, sl st in 3d st of 1st 13-ch.
ROW 26-Ch 3, turn, (a dec. 2 dc and a dec.) across leaf, * ch 12, a 2 dc-Cluster in next p, ch 12, (a dec. 3 dc and a dec.) across next leaf. Repeat from * around. Join final 12-ch to 1st 3-ch.
ROW 27-Ch 18, turn, * a 2-dc-Cluster in next Cluster, ch 15, (a dec. 1 dc and a dec.) across next leaf, ch 15 and repeat from * around. End with 2 decs. and a sl st in 3d st of 1st 18-ch.
ROW 28-Ch 3, turn, a dec. in next 2 dc, * ch 16, a 2-dc-Cluster in next Cluster, ch 16, a 3-dc-Cluster in end of leaf. Repeat from * around. Join final 16-ch to 1st dc.
ROW 29-Ch 7 for a dtr, turn, * (ch 5, dtr) 3 times in same st. ch 11, sc in next Cluster, ch 11, dtr in next Cluster. Repeat from * around. Join final 11-ch to 7th st of 1st lp. Fasten off.
1st PANSY-In Orange Sil-Tone and size 12 hook, ch 7, sl st in 1st st. Ch 3, 15 dc in ring, sl st in 3-ch, ch 1 and in back lps only, (1 hdc, 2 dc and 1 tr) in next dc, (1 tr, 1 dc, 1 hdc and 1 sl st) in next dc. Cut 3 inches long.
ROW 2-(Always work over end left from previous row.) In back lps, sl st in Purple in next 3 dc, ** ch 5, (dtr, ch 1, dtr) in same st with last sl st, ch 1, (dtr, ch 1. dtr, ch 5, sl st) in next dc, * sl st in next 2 dc, ch 5, dtr in same dc, (ch 1, dtr) 3 times in same dc, ch 5, sl st in same dc. Repeat from * once. Sl st in next 2 dc and repeat from ** to *. Sl st in next 2 dc, Ch 5, (dtr, ch 1, dtr) in 1st st on added shell, (ch 1, dtr) twice in each of next 6 sts, ch 5, sl st in next st. Make these 2 rows the same colors in all Pansies. Cut 3 inches long.
ROW 3-Turn and join Yellow on other side between last 2 petals, * ch 1, (sc, ch 1, sc, ch 1, dc, ch 1, dc) in next 5-ch lp, (ch 1, dc) twice in each of next three 1-ch sps, (ch 1, dc, ch 1, dc, ch 1, sc, ch 1, sc) in next 5-ch lp, ch 1, sl st in center ring. Repeat from * around next 3 small petals, ch 1, (sc, ch 1, sc, ch 1, dc, ch 1, dc) in next 5-ch lp, ** ch 1, dc in next 1-ch sp, (ch 1, dc) twice in next sp. Repeat from ** 5 times. Ch 1, dc in next sp, ch 1, (dc, ch 1, dc, ch 1, sc, ch 1, sc) in next 5-ch lp, ch 1, sl st in center ring.
ROW 4-* Ch 1, dc between next 2 sc, ch 1, dc in next 1-ch sp, (ch 1, tr) twice in each of next 9 sps, (ch 1, dc in next sp) twice, ch 1, sl st in center ring. Repeat from * around next 3 small petals. Cut 3 inches long.
ROW 5-Turn, join Lavender in same place, * (ch 1, dc in next 1-ch sp) twice, ch 1, (dc, ch 1, dc) in next sp. Repeat from * around all petals with a ch 1, sl st between petals.
ROW 6-(Ch 3, sc in next 1-ch sp) repeated around. Fasten off on back.
Lap large bottom petal over side petals. Lap side petals over top petals. Lap top right petal over top left petal. Tack in place lightly. In Lt. Green Six Strand Floss, embroider an inverted "V" on bottom of center ring in Row 1.
2d PANSY-Make Row 3 in Lavender, Rows 4 and 5 in Yellow and Row 6 in Orange.
3d PANSY-Make Row 3 in Yellow, bal. of rows in Lavender.
4th PANSY-Make Rows 3 and 4 in Lavender, Rows 5 and 6 in Yellow.
5th PANSY-Repeat 1st Pansy.
6th PANSY-Make Row 3 in Yellow, bal. of rows in Orange.
Repeat these 6 Pansies twice (18 in all). Tack tog. In order, by 3 lps on each side. Lap 2 top petals of each over edge of Center between points and sew in place on back.
Pin right-side-down in true shape on a padded board or table, stretching several inches to open out pattern. Steam and press dry thru a cloth.