
stafa @stafa

عضوة نشيطة

مفرش كورشية سهل ,بسيط ,انيق وبالباترون

الكروشيه والتريكو

السلام عليكم يبنات
كيفكم اليوم
ارسلت واحدة من المنتديات هذا المفرش لي على الاميل وحبيت اشارك بي معاكم يمكن ينفع لانه سهل وشغلة سريع وبنفس الوقت جميل يارب يعجبكم


Crochet cotton size 10: 1 ball light yellow, 1 ball shaded light yellows
Size 5 steel crochet hook
32 tr = 4" stretched and blocked

Pattern Note
Join rnds with a sl st unless otherwise stated.

Note: Always count starting ch as first tr of each rnd.
Rnd 1: With shaded yellows, ch 8, join to form a ring, ch 4, 1 tr in ring, *ch 2, 2 tr in ring, rep from * 6 times, ending with ch 2, join in 4th ch of beg ch-4. (8 ch-2 sps)
Rnd 2: Ch 4, tr in first tr, *ch 5, tr in each of next 2 tr, rep from * around, ending with ch 5, join in 4th ch of beg ch-4. (8 ch-5 sps)
Rnd 3: Ch 4, tr in first tr, * in next ch-5 sp, tr in each of next 2 tr, rep from * around, ending with 3 tr in last sp, join in 4th ch of beg ch-4.
Rnd 4: Ch 4, tr in each of next 2 tr, *ch 3, in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, sk next 2 tr, tr in each of next 4 tr, sk next 2 tr, rep from * around, ending with tr in last tr, join in 4th ch of beg ch-4.
Rnd 5: Ch 4, tr in each of next 2 tr, *ch 3, in next ch-4 sp, ch 3, tr in each of next 4 tr, rep from * around, ending with tr in last tr, join in 4th ch of beg ch-4.
Rnd 6: Ch 4, tr in each of next 2 tr, * in next ch-5 sp, ch 3, tr in each of next 4 tr, rep from * around, ending with tr in last tr, join in 4th ch of beg ch-4, fasten off shaded yellows, attach light yellow.
Rnd 7: Ch 4, tr in each of next 2 tr, *ch 3, 9 times, dtr in last dtr, ch 3, tr in each of next 4 tr, rep from * around, ending with tr in last tr, join in 4th ch of beg ch-4.
Rnd 8: Ch 4, tr in each of next 2 tr, ch 3, * 8 times, sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 3, tr in each of next 4 tr, rep from * around, ending with tr in last tr, join in 4th ch of beg ch-4.
Rnd 9: Ch 4, tr in each of next 2 tr, ch 3, * 7 times, sc in next ch-4 sp, ch 3, tr in each of next 4 tr, rep from * around, ending with tr in last tr, join in 4th ch of beg ch-4.

From this point, stop working all the way around the doily. Each of the 8 "petals" is completed separately before beginning the next. Rep instructions below for each petal.

Row 1: Sl st into first tr on previous rnd, ch 4, tr in next tr, ch 3, 6 times, sc in next ch-4 sp, ch 3, tr in each of next 2 tr, turn.
Row 2: Ch 4, tr in first tr, ch 3, 5 times, sc in last ch-4 sp, ch 3, tr in each of next 2 tr, turn.
Row 3: Ch 4, tr in first tr, ch 3, 4 times, sc in last ch-4 sp, ch 3, tr in next tr, tr in top of turning ch, turn.
Row 4: Ch 4, tr in first tr, ch 3, 3 times, sc in last ch-4 sp, ch 3, tr in next tr, tr in top of turning ch, turn.
Row 5: Ch 4, tr in first tr, ch 3, twice, sc in last ch-4 sp, ch 3, tr in next tr, tr in top of turning ch, turn.
Row 6: Ch 4, tr in first tr, ch 3, sc, ch 4 in next ch-4 sp, sc in last ch-4 sp, ch 3, tr in each of next 2 tr, turn.
Row 7: Ch 4, tr in first tr, ch 3, sc in next ch-4 sp, ch 3, tr in next tr, tr in top of turning ch.
Row 8: Ch 8, sl st in last tr on previous row, fasten off.

Rnd 1: Working up side of first petal, attach maize with a sl st in side of first ch-4 of Row 1, ch 4, dc in same sp, working along side of petal, 7 times, working in tip of petal, ch 4, {dc, ch 1} 5 times, dc in same sp, working along other side of first petal, rep bet 7 times, ch 1, rep from * around, join to first sl st of rnd.
Rnd 2: Sl st in first sp, *ch 5, sl st in 3rd ch from hook (picot made), ch 2, sk next sp, sc in next sp, rep from * around, join to 3rd ch of beg ch-5, fasten off.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

om waled
om waled
جميل جدا المفرش بارك الله فيك
الحمد لله عجبيك يا ام وليد وفيك بارك الله
مفرش جميل تسلم ايديك
rosse rosse :
مفرش جميل تسلم ايديك
مفرش جميل تسلم ايديك
تسلم إيدك وإيد إللى أرسلته لونه جميل :)

:heart: :heart: :heart:
نادية عبد الحي
مفرش جميل ولونه اجمل بارك الله قيك