
اموله2 @amolh2

عضوة فعالة

مقالات انجليزيه محتاجتها بسرعة

اللغة الأنجليزية

محتاجتها ضرورى الليلة وادعيلها اخر الليل

مقالات او اخبار بسيطة مزوده بالصور

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

Mission Statement for Success in My Life

I believe that success can be measured in more ways than one. Perhaps the most gratifying measure of success is knowing you made someone smile or did a kind deed for another person. To others success is measured by your career and the amount of money you make. Personally, I believe that success is measured by a person's persistence. All it takes to succeed is persistence.
I believe that my most important values and beliefs that will guide me on my road to success is perseverance. In order to succeed in my life I have to have will and determination to stick with it. Enthusiasm for mastering something worthwhile is a rewarding, joyous experience and it takes effort. Mistakes and setbacks are only part of the process. My family is also a very important value of mine, which will help me on my road to success, with out their support and encouragement I would be completely lost.
In my life I wish to accomplish my goals by: finishing college, acquiring a steady well paying teaching job, finding happiness for myself as well as my family and by taking on any challenges that come my way.
I plan on achieving my goals by first of all, setting specific goals for myself. Next I will need to set a date in which to achieve my goals. I will also need to develop a clear plan and finally, I will have to live my plan. The value of a plan can only be measured by the results.

اتمنى يكون عجبك

بحثت في قوقل واخذته لك
ادعيلي ان الله يسخر لي زوجي ويرزقني الذريه الصالحه ويهديني
لعيونك انتي
لعيونك انتي
السلام عليكم

هالرابط كله اخبار على شكل مقالات بسيطة ومعاها صور

لعيونك انتي
لعيونك انتي
وهذا رابط اخبار غريبة على شكل مقال بسيط

عبيــــر الــــورد
الله يوفقك يارب