Your BMI is 23.8, indicating your weight is within the normal range for adults of your height. Maintaining a healthy weight may reduce the risk of chronic diseases associated with overweight and obesity.

الحمدلله وان شاء الله اوصل البي ام اي الى 21
يسلموووو على الموضوع الحلووو
لي لي الحزينة
لي لي الحزينة
Height: 1.58 meters
Weight: 61 kilograms

Your BMI is 24.4, indicating your weight is within the normal range for adults of your height. Maintaining a healthy weight may reduce the risk of chronic diseases associated with overweight and obesity.

For information about the importance of a healthy diet and physical activity in maintaining a healthy weight,
attractive smile
attractive smile
طلع نورمل الحمدلله
طلع لي

25.0–29.9 Overweight
مشكورة على مجهودك
أنا كتب لي وزن زائد
والله المستعان