ممكن!! (اذا ماعليكم كلافه)

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

مرحبا بنات :)

حبيت تفيدوني بشغله جزاكم الله خير

عندي 6 قصائد يبغى لهاا شرح
انا كاتبه الشرح بس كل اللي ابيه منكم تشيكووون على القرامر واذا تقدرون
تزيدون شوية شرح ياريت يكون افضل لانه الشرح قصير بس اهم شي القرااامر
واذا خلصتوا منها اعطيكم الثلاثه الباقيه << ماتنعطى وجه :(
بس وربي محتاجتهاا لان الاختبار بعد اسبوع ولازم ادرسهاا :(

وربي ان شاءالله مايضيع اجركم ويوفقكم دنيا وآخره :)



Fire and Ice

but if it had to perish twice
i think i know enough of hate
to say that for destruction ice
is also great
and would suffice


for unhappy and happy end ( one hour happy the second hour
unhappy )
hatred to kill a good quality in person
hatred is enough to kill and finish the other good qualities
in a person



Dover Beach

Ah` love ` let us be true
To one another ! for the world `which seems
To lie befor us like a land of dreams
So various ` so beautiful ` so new
Hath really neither joy ` nor love ` nor light
Nor certitude ` nor peace ` nor help for pain
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight
Where ignorant armies clash by night


oh` my friend we should be true to each other in our friendship

because the world seems

1 land of dreams
full of many things 2
beautiful 3
new 4
but it has nether joy nor light nor love nor certaintity nor
peace nor help for pain

we are living in a world full of confusing ` struggles `escaping
and fighting conntries



The Oxen

In the lonely barton by yonder coomb
Our childhood used to know
I should go with him in the gloom
Hoping it might be so


the poet recalls his ghildhood when he did not see accene like this
when i was a child i live near the farm ( the oxen farm ) he saw
among oxen in his life but he never saw the oxen doing like this
this is the first time he saw the amazing scene



يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

القصيدة الوحيدة الدرستها كانت dover beach لماثيو ارناولد.
حبيت انبهك انو القصيدة عبارة عن dramatic monologue, in which the unnamed speaker addresses an implied but silent listener.

What the poet is trying to say is that things on the surface are different from reality

Ah, love, let us be true to one another" is surprising, for in spite of saying the world "hath really neither joy, nor love", he seems to think he has it. Perhaps, even when we are in the middle of it all, we can find an eye in the storm and cling to one sweet thing close to home. Perhaps the world is lost, but two lovers can find hope in one another, and together find their own peace, putting no trust in the world

بالتوفيق إن شاء الله

Fire and Ice

الفكرة الرئيسية اللي تكلم عنها روبرت فورست هي :
The poet considers the question of whether the world will end in fire or in ice. This is similar to another age-old question: whether it would be preferable to freeze to death or burn to death. The speaker determines that either option would achieve its purpose sufficiently well

كلامج :
for unhappy and happy end ( one hour happy the second hour
unhappy )

بصيغة مختلفة: He compares and contrasts two destructive forces: fire and ice. Frost presents two different options of how the world will end
شـذى الـورد
شـذى الـورد


جزاكم الله خير على التكرم بالمرور والرد
والله لايحركم الاجر ان شاءالله وينوي لكم اللي في بالكم ياسميع يامجيب :)

بس عندي جم قصيده ثانيه ياريت تساعدوني فيه
ادري بتقولون شين وقوة عين بس كل اللي ابيه منكم تشيكووون عليها بس
خصوصا بالقرااامر وربي مايضيع تعبكم ان شاءالله

The Widow`s Lament in Springtime

Thirtyfive years
I lived with my husband
The plumtree is white today
with masses of flowers
Masses of flowers
load the cherry branches
and color some bushes
yellow and some red
but the grief in my heart
is stronger than they
for though they were my joy
formerly today I notice them
and turned away forgetting

I lived 35 years with my husband
she is talking about plumtree it`s full of white color flower
cherry is full of flower
cherry are full of yellow and some it`s full of red
I am more sad . my grief is stronger than last years and now I am
happy than the past
Iused the joy before
before today I want to see the flower formerly
Now i am forgetting my grief
forgetting my husband
forgetting my sorrow


Sweet day so cool so calm so bright
The bridal or the earth and sky
The dew shall weep thy fall to night
For thou must die

line 1 - 2 adjective
line 3 - 4 Dew is crying on the coming of the night \ end of the day
He is talking about the day . He is calling and giving 5 adj. The dew
are crying because the early morning day is about to finish and
the night is about to come


At the foot of thy crages O sea
But the tender grace of a day that is dead
Will never come back to me

all sea I am sitting here on the stones of your shore
The sweet momries means tender grace
of time is finished now
Will not com to me again


I saw the whole of Baltimore
From May until December
Of all the things that happend there
That`s all that Iremember


jeela I_Luv_Sweets جزاكم الله خير على التكرم بالمرور والرد والله لايحركم الاجر ان شاءالله وينوي لكم اللي في بالكم ياسميع يامجيب :) بس عندي جم قصيده ثانيه ياريت تساعدوني فيه ادري بتقولون شين وقوة عين بس كل اللي ابيه منكم تشيكووون عليها بس خصوصا بالقرااامر وربي مايضيع تعبكم ان شاءالله (القصيده) The Widow`s Lament in Springtime Thirtyfive years I lived with my husband The plumtree is white today with masses of flowers Masses of flowers load the cherry branches and color some bushes yellow and some red but the grief in my heart is stronger than they for though they were my joy formerly today I notice them and turned away forgetting (الشرح) I lived 35 years with my husband she is talking about plumtree it`s full of white color flower cherry is full of flower cherry are full of yellow and some it`s full of red I am more sad . my grief is stronger than last years and now I am happy than the past Iused the joy before before today I want to see the flower formerly Now i am forgetting my grief forgetting my husband forgetting my sorrow ================================================ (القصيده) Virtue Sweet day so cool so calm so bright The bridal or the earth and sky The dew shall weep thy fall to night For thou must die (الشرح) line 1 - 2 adjective line 3 - 4 Dew is crying on the coming of the night \ end of the day He is talking about the day . He is calling and giving 5 adj. The dew are crying because the early morning day is about to finish and the night is about to come ================================================ (القصيده) Breake`breake`breake Breake`breake`breake At the foot of thy crages O sea But the tender grace of a day that is dead Will never come back to me (الشرح) all sea I am sitting here on the stones of your shore The sweet momries means tender grace of time is finished now Will not com to me again ================================================ (القصيده) Incident I saw the whole of Baltimore From May until December Of all the things that happend there That`s all that Iremember ================================================ :)
jeela I_Luv_Sweets جزاكم الله خير على التكرم بالمرور والرد والله لايحركم الاجر ان شاءالله...
أنا مادرست هالقصيدة بس حصلت الفكرة الرئيسية وأفكار حلوة بتفيدج في التلخيص والدراسة لها وآراء بعض الطلاب اللي درسوها .. تفضلي أختي

An Explication of William Carlos Williams’ “The Widow’s Lament in Springtime” Death is an insatiable force that mercilessly alienates individuals from their passions and from that which they have derived joy; it brings with it great despair and uncertainty. It creates in some a despair so vast that they can long for nothing more than relief. William Williams has captured this extreme alienation coupled with the horrible despair it has laid upon a woman in a beautifully poignant poem simple in verse yet vast in emotion. Williams’ poem is one of irony and the title of this poem, “The Widow’s Lament in Springtime,” foreshadows the sad irony of this poem very well. It is ironic that a woman is lamenting, or crying out in grief, in a season typically associated with birth, renewal, beauty, and joy. He has created a free verse lyric full of emotion and imagery that aids the reader in truly understanding the widow’s despair in spite of her beautiful surroundings and the irony of her lament among them. The persona Williams has created in this poem has a pensive and melancholically saturated tone

In William Carlos Williams poem entitled “The Widow’s Lament in Springtime,” the persona is of a woman that is overwhelmed with grief because of the death of her husband. The meaning that I got from this poem is that death unleashes a horrible feeling in us, and the impact we get from it overshadows the things that usually make us happy.
The poem contrasts spring and all of its beauty, to death and all its heartache. The beauty of spring seems to go unnoticed by the woman. All she can do is think about losing her husband amidst the magnificence of the season.
Williams creates an imagery that is very vivid to us. Spring is a season that brings a lot of joy out. With his descriptions of the colors of flowers, cherry trees, and bushes he is able to paint us a picture of its splendor:
Masses of flowers
Load the cherry branches
And color some bushes
Yellow and some red (11-14)
By setting the poem in the springtime, Williams is able to enhance the poem’s effect. Spring is a time for happiness and rebirth with flowers blooming and warm weather. We usually don’t associate it with death or anything else along those lines. The woman associates springtime with sorrow, but at one time it also brought out delight in her:
But the grief in my heart
stronger than they
For though they were my joy
Formerly, today I notice them
And turned away forgetting
jeela I_Luv_Sweets جزاكم الله خير على التكرم بالمرور والرد والله لايحركم الاجر ان شاءالله وينوي لكم اللي في بالكم ياسميع يامجيب :) بس عندي جم قصيده ثانيه ياريت تساعدوني فيه ادري بتقولون شين وقوة عين بس كل اللي ابيه منكم تشيكووون عليها بس خصوصا بالقرااامر وربي مايضيع تعبكم ان شاءالله (القصيده) The Widow`s Lament in Springtime Thirtyfive years I lived with my husband The plumtree is white today with masses of flowers Masses of flowers load the cherry branches and color some bushes yellow and some red but the grief in my heart is stronger than they for though they were my joy formerly today I notice them and turned away forgetting (الشرح) I lived 35 years with my husband she is talking about plumtree it`s full of white color flower cherry is full of flower cherry are full of yellow and some it`s full of red I am more sad . my grief is stronger than last years and now I am happy than the past Iused the joy before before today I want to see the flower formerly Now i am forgetting my grief forgetting my husband forgetting my sorrow ================================================ (القصيده) Virtue Sweet day so cool so calm so bright The bridal or the earth and sky The dew shall weep thy fall to night For thou must die (الشرح) line 1 - 2 adjective line 3 - 4 Dew is crying on the coming of the night \ end of the day He is talking about the day . He is calling and giving 5 adj. The dew are crying because the early morning day is about to finish and the night is about to come ================================================ (القصيده) Breake`breake`breake Breake`breake`breake At the foot of thy crages O sea But the tender grace of a day that is dead Will never come back to me (الشرح) all sea I am sitting here on the stones of your shore The sweet momries means tender grace of time is finished now Will not com to me again ================================================ (القصيده) Incident I saw the whole of Baltimore From May until December Of all the things that happend there That`s all that Iremember ================================================ :)
jeela I_Luv_Sweets جزاكم الله خير على التكرم بالمرور والرد والله لايحركم الاجر ان شاءالله...
هذي القصيدة أول مره أسمع فيها .. المهم , حصلتها كاملة بكاتبين Incident. (for Eric Walrond) Countee Cullen
مادري ليش حطوا الاسمين بهالطريقة , هل هم نفس الشخص !!! لول المهم هذي الأفكار الرئيسية اللي قدرت أعثر عليها

Completed Analysis Form - "Incident"
by: Countee Cullen

Major Elements:Alliteration- Heart-filled Head-filled with glee (line 2) Of all the things that happened there (line 11) Allusion- This poem gives me an illusion of what life was like for blacks in this time period. Flashback- The poem is an example of flashback. Irony- I think the title is ironic, because in those days it was just an incident. Today it would be a form of extreme Racism.

What is it about? This poem was about a young black boy, who was called, "a Nigger," by a young white boy the same age. He was noticing the white boy looking at continuously at him. The black boy was polite and just smiled at him. The black boy then stuck out his tongue and called him a a "Nigger." The boy was very hurt by this incident, and it is all he could remember of his trip to old Baltimore.

Comments:This was a very good poem. The addition of some simile's and metaphors would spice up the poem. The alliteration and allusions are very evident. It was surprising but true that even young people were racist.
What I liked ?:I really liked how it showed what life was like in the time period of the poem. It is a good example of historical literacy, Ethical Literacy, and Economic Literacy. The last line of the poem helped me understand, very clearly, how the boy felt when this happened to him.