hii girls..
i hope you all fine..
i am from king faisal unevirsity
i want to know if there is anyone of you are studying in this university or any other unevirsitis on english department..
i want to know if you feel developing in english language?
or u just passing the courses without get any a benefit?
i will return back if i see the reply..

عسـل @aasl_5
عضوة نشيطة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

hi girls
iam studing in king saud University in the fourth level
i got benefits in listening , writing , vocab ,reading but not much in speaking although i passed A grade this course
u will be better later ,
study hard and try to develope ur language throgh TV, net etc
good luck
iam studing in king saud University in the fourth level
i got benefits in listening , writing , vocab ,reading but not much in speaking although i passed A grade this course
u will be better later ,
study hard and try to develope ur language throgh TV, net etc
good luck

hi ...%نجدية%... that is sound good..:)
but you didn't tell us from any unevirsity you are?
i think from ksu. don't you?
hi أم عبد العزيز
you are write.. the second language developing depend on practicing some activities not just depend on the lessons we get in the class..
and i think that we can n't improve our speaking skill without practice it
so.. the quistion is>>> with who you practice the english language?
but you didn't tell us from any unevirsity you are?
i think from ksu. don't you?
hi أم عبد العزيز
you are write.. the second language developing depend on practicing some activities not just depend on the lessons we get in the class..
and i think that we can n't improve our speaking skill without practice it
so.. the quistion is>>> with who you practice the english language?
الصفحة الأخيرة
of course not just passing courses,but i got alot of benefits specially developing in conversation.
gooooooood luck dear honey