الله يسعدكم يا بنات ترجمولي السطرين الى الانجليزي ومشكورين
انا اريد كمية من ......
هل لديكم إمكانية شحن الى المملكة العربية السعودية إذا كان لديكم كم تكلف الواحده واذا أخذت مجموعه كم يكلف وكم يكلف الشحن وإذا أخذت اكثر من واحده يقل كلفة الشحن او لا...وكم المده التي تأخذها لتصل؟ظ
وشكرا جزيلا لتعاونكم

jasmean @jasmean
محررة فضية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

الشباصه الذهبيه

I want a quantity of ......
Do you have the possibility of shipping to Saudi Arabia if you have one What does it cost and if you take How much does it cost and how much total cost of shipping and, if taken more than one less the cost of shipping or not ... how many take the time to reach? ظ
Thank you very much for your cooperation
Do you have the possibility of shipping to Saudi Arabia if you have one What does it cost and if you take How much does it cost and how much total cost of shipping and, if taken more than one less the cost of shipping or not ... how many take the time to reach? ظ
Thank you very much for your cooperation

I'd like some of your... Can you ship it to Saudi Arabia? If yes, how much do you charge per piece? Do you offer any discounts on large orders? How much would shipping cost? Would shipping cost less if I'm ordering more than one? How long would I have to wait to get it?
Thank you
I'd like some of your... Can you ship it to Saudi Arabia? If yes, how much do you charge per piece? Do you offer any discounts on large orders? How much would shipping cost? Would shipping cost less if I'm ordering more than one? How long would I have to wait to get it?
Thank you

I would like to place an order for the quantity of the....... do you ship it to Saudi Arabia? If you do could you please let me know how much do you charge per piece/ unit and do you have any special offer if more then one piece? and on large order and How much dose shipping cost? and do charge the same shipping cost for either the small or large order and how long it takes? I appreciate your cooperation and thanks a lot
الصفحة الأخيرة