السلام عليكم
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ممكن يا معلمات ثالث ثانوي
تحددوا مواضيع التعابير لثالث ثانوي
انا اعرف انها مواضيع عامه عن الوحده
بس ابغى العناوين

wiserose @wiserose
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يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

وهذي بعدGreat Expectations
Great Expectations was written by Charles Dickens. The story takes place in England in the 19th century and the main character is Pip. Other characters include Pip’s sister, who was strict and hard, and Joe, who was kind and warm - hearted .
Pip lived in the country with his sister and Joe, her husband. He received an allowance from a man who was wanted by the police and he was sent to London for his education. In London the man was arrested. He died in prison. So the allowance stopped. Pip needed to work. Finally, he had a successful career .
Saudi Explorers in the Antarctic
Saudi Arabia is a developed country. It is interested in the environment so it always co-operates with other countries for scientific knowledge .
In 1989, a multinational team made a journey to the Antarctic. Two Saudi scientists ; Dr. Ibrahim Alam and Dr. Mustafa Moammar shared the expedition. The aim was to explore the continent. The explorers had to take all their food with them because nothing grows there. They had to sleep in double sleeping bags in tents to shelter from the sub - zero temperatures outside .
The team was successful and the world’s knowledge about the Antarctic is greater now than before .
Great Expectations was written by Charles Dickens. The story takes place in England in the 19th century and the main character is Pip. Other characters include Pip’s sister, who was strict and hard, and Joe, who was kind and warm - hearted .
Pip lived in the country with his sister and Joe, her husband. He received an allowance from a man who was wanted by the police and he was sent to London for his education. In London the man was arrested. He died in prison. So the allowance stopped. Pip needed to work. Finally, he had a successful career .
Saudi Explorers in the Antarctic
Saudi Arabia is a developed country. It is interested in the environment so it always co-operates with other countries for scientific knowledge .
In 1989, a multinational team made a journey to the Antarctic. Two Saudi scientists ; Dr. Ibrahim Alam and Dr. Mustafa Moammar shared the expedition. The aim was to explore the continent. The explorers had to take all their food with them because nothing grows there. They had to sleep in double sleeping bags in tents to shelter from the sub - zero temperatures outside .
The team was successful and the world’s knowledge about the Antarctic is greater now than before .

الصفحة الأخيرة
I read an English story.It was written by a famous auther.his name wasCharles Dickens.the story is called "GreatExpecation ".it is very interesting .it was about an English boy called pip .he was an orphan child.he was brought by his sister.She was hard and strictwthim him.
On day ,Pip gave something to eat and drink to a prisoner .Later , the prisoner became very kind to him .He sent Pip money for his education .the prisoner decided to visit Pip in London ,but the prisoner was captured .
At the end ,Pip worked for a firm and became a good person .His friend,the prisoner ,was sentenced to death but he had died before he was hanged.
Macbeth was written by William Shakespear .The story takees place in Scotlend many centuries ago.The main characters are Macbeth and his wife,Lady Macbeth.Macbeath was also ambitious but she was stronger.Other charcters include Duncan ,the king of Scotlend and Macduff,a supporter of Duncan.
Macbeth wanted to become King of Scotland .He killed the real King ,Duncan .He did not want to ,but Lady Macbeth made him .He thought Macbeth might try to stop him so he sent men too kill him .
Universities in the Kingdom
Saudi Arabia has seven universities.They are not the same.King Saud University was started in 1957AD.It is the oldest university in the Kingdom .It is very large .Both men and woman study there.It's branches are in Al-Qassime.The student can study education a gricultuer, pharmacology and medicine.
King Abdul-Aziz University in Jeddah is also very big .It was founded in 1967AD.King Fadad Universtay of Petroleme and Minerals iis in Dharan .It is a small university.
King Faisal Univresity in Dammam .It was started in 1975AD. Foregners
Study in Isalmc University in Maddinah .Umm Al-Qura Universyy was founded in 1981AD.It is in Makkah and for both man and woman .Allthese universities offer different degrees in different sciences.
Airports in the Kingdom
Airports in Saudi Arabia can be divided into two main types.First ,ther are international airports , which offer flights And feom Europe, Africa, Asia and North America .Then,there are domestic airports, which serve most of the Kingdom's cities.
There are three international airports.One is King Khalled Internaional Airports in Riyadh .The second is King Abdul Aziz Internaional Airports in Jeddah .The other is in Dhahran International Airports in Eastern province.
There are twenty-two domestic airports altogether .They can be divided into major domestic airports include Turaif,Hail, Al-Qassim .Yanbu, Madinaah , Hofuf, Taif, Tabouk and so on .
Airports help the people travel fast and easily .They shorten the time and the long distance.
King Abdul aziz
King Abdul Aziz is one of the greatest leaders in modern history .He united the different tribes into one nation .It took him a long time and great work to make Saudi Arabia today
Abdul-Aziz was only eleven years old when his family was forced to leave Riyadh .He grew up in Kuwait.He took Riyadh in 1902AD helped by 60 pople .In 1913AD, he captured Hafuf from the Turks .He become the Sultan of the Najd in 1921AD.and King of Hajaz in 1926AD.In 1932AD, he joined the two kingdoms to form the modern Saudi Arabia .He was a grat and fair leader .He had strong faith in Islam .He was a good speaker .All the tribal men liked him.
He was also very generous .He modernized his country .King AbdulAziz died in 1953AD.
The written Arabic script unites the Islamic world.There are three kinds of Calligraphy in Arabic language .They are Kufic, Thuluth and Riqah .Calligraphy is seen in the Quran and in books and it is used for decoration of building . In the western world , calligraphy declined because of typwrites.
There are also three kinds of English scripts .The Roman was used by the Romans .Gothic was used by the northern Europe .Italic was used in Italy.
The Roman script is very common because it is easy to read.It is very clear .The Roman script is used in books, magazines and newspapers.Gothic script is difficult to red. It is seen on letter heads and in the names of the newspaper .Italic is always written by hand.
King Fahd Extension of the Holy Mosque at Makkah
King Faha laid of foundation stone for a new addition to the Holy Mosque on Tuesday 2 Safar 1409 A.H. The first Saudi expansion took place between 1375AD and 1396 AH.370,000 worshipers can pray every day .A large annexe has been built onto the western side of the mosque.It is consisted of basement , ground floor and first floor.Tow new minarets has been built .A large plaza has been created Escalators has been built to help the eldery pilgrims to move.Loud speakers ,TV studio, telephones and clocks have been built .The ground floor and the first floor are ventilated from windows and doors.
The expansion of the Holy mosque is great work .The piligrims can pray easily and without problems.
The Expansion of the Holy Mosque at Medinah
Before the first Saudi expansion , the total area of the Holy Mosque at Medinah was 10.300m and there was a room for 17,000 worshipers. There were five 60-meter-high minarets , but there were no escalatiors , no fixed staircases and no air-conditioning
After the first Saudi expansion the total area had grown to 16,500 m and the mosque could accommodate 28,000 worshippers.