السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اخواتى الحبيبات ده باترون الحبيبة ام قسمت وضعته فى دورة التريكو
وعجب بنتى جدا
ممكن لو سمحتم ترجمته
ولكم جزيل الشكر
Pattern: See diagram M.1. The diagram shows the pattern from the RS.
Back piece: Cast on 66-74-80-88-98-106 sts (incl 1 edge st each side) on needle size 5 mm and work stocking st. At the same time when piece measures 3 cm inc 1 st each side on every 3-3-3-4-4-4 cm a total of 3 times = 72-80-86-94-104-112 sts. When piece measures 11-12-13-14-15-16 cm cast off for armhole each side on every other row: 3 sts 1-1-1-2-2-2 times, 2 sts 0-1-2-2-4-5 times and 1 st 3-4-4-4-4-5 times = 60-62-64-66-68-70 sts. Continue until piece measures 28-30-32-34-36-38 cm and now cast off the middle 18-18-18-20-20-20 sts for neck. Dec 1 st on neckline on next row = 20-21-22-22-23-24 sts left on each shoulder. Cast off when piece measures 30-32-34-36-38-40 cm.
Left front piece: Cast on 14-18-19-23-27-31 sts (incl 1 edge st at side) on needle size 5 mm.
Read all of the following section before continuing!
Work stocking st, at the same time inc towards mid front on every other row: 4 sts 1 time, 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 2-2-3-3-3-3 times and 1 st 3-3-3-3-4-4 times.
At the same time when piece measures 3 cm inc at side as described for back piece. After all inc are complete = 31-35-38-42-47-51 sts on row.
When piece measures 11-12-13-14-15-16 cm (from casting on row) cast off for armhole as described for back piece. At the same time dec to shape the neckline towards mid front: 1 st on every 6th row a total of 5-5-5-6-6-6 times. After all dec for armhole and neckline are complete = 20-21-22-22-23-24 sts left on shoulder. Continue until piece measures 30-32-34-36-38-40 cm and cast off.
Right front piece: Cast on and work like left front piece, but mirrored.
Sleeve: Worked back and forth on needle. Cast on 53-56-59-62-65-68 sts (incl 1 edge st each side) on needle size 4 mm and work 8 cm Rib, P2/K1 (seen from RS) with 1 edge st each side. Change to needle size 5 mm, work 1 row stocking st from RS, at the same time inc 9-6-3-12-9-6 sts evenly = 62-62-62-74-74-74 sts. P 1 row from WS, P 1 row from RS, K 1 row from WS and continue in M.1 with 1 edge st each side. When piece measures 31 cm cast off 3 sts each side for armhole and dec to shape the armhole on every other row: 2 sts 1 time and 1 st 1 time = 50-50-50-62-62-62 sts. Continue in M.1 on the middle 36-36-36-48-48-48 sts and work 7 sts each side in garter st. When piece measures 39-40-41-42-43-44 cm K tog all sts 2 by 2 = 25-25-25-31-31-31 sts. Cast off remaining sts on next row.
Assembly: Sew shoulder seams and side seams.
Rib border: Pick up approx 279-297-315-333-351-369 sts round the whole opening on circular needle size 4 mm (make sure to pick up enough sts along curves on front pieces, i.e. border not too tight). P 1 round and continue in Rib, P2/K1. When Rib measures 4 cm make 2 buttonholes on right front piece, the top one 2 cm before the beg of neckline dec and the other one approx 3-3-4-4-5-5 cm below. 1 buttonhole = cast off 1 st and cast on 1 new st on return row. Cast off loosely in Rib when border measures 6 cm.
Sew sleeve seams inside 1 edge st. Set in sleeves and sew on buttons.
Explanation to pattern diagram
= K from RS, P from WS
= P from RS, K from WS
= slip 1 st as if to K, K2 tog, psso
= 1 yo between 2 sts
sarary @sarary
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