~*~ Topic of the Week ~*~
When the year ends and it's time for me to write the final broadcast, I
often feel compelled to come up with something deeply meaningful or
profound. Then, I relax and remind myself to do what I always do -- pay
close attention to what shows up in my life and trust that a wise, more
insightful Presence will allow the best topic to choose me. It never
This week I received my writing orders from a woman sitting next to me at
my hair salon. As I flipped through a magazine waiting to get my hair cut,
I overheard her telling my stylist a story that immediately struck me as
the perfect message for the New Year. First, let me share the story with
you (with her permission of course :).
"Back in the eighties during the cabbage patch doll craze, I decided to do
something a bit outrageous. It was the week before Christmas and at
midnight on a Tuesday night, I woke my ten-year-old son and told him that
we were going on an adventure. Although he looked at me a bit strangely,
he got out of bed and proceeded to get dressed. As we left the driveway, I
explained that I wanted to buy a cabbage patch doll for his cousin and,
rather than fight the crowds during the day, I figured we'd search for
this special gift at a large, 24-hour department store nearby.
We began our adventure at a local coffee shop with some hot chocolate and
a donut -- nourishment for our secret mission. Once we arrived at the
store we quickly accomplished our goal. A late night delivery of dolls
allowed us to find the perfect gift. To this day I don't know what
possessed me to do something so out-of-character, but I'm glad I did. Not
only does my 32 year-old son still talk about that night, I can see that
the joy of one outrageous act set the stage for many more. I learned to be
a bit of a maverick and it's allowed me to live a pretty amazing life."
As I listened to her story I thought about how many of us live responsible
and well-contained lives. We do our duty as citizens, take good care of
our families, show up for work to get the job done, and make sure that
we're there when people need our support. We follow the routine of our
busy lives often at the expense of an inner voice that begs us to listen
more closely to the desires that live outside of what's considered
appropriate or right. Well, the New Year is the perfect time to make a
change . . .
Unlock your desire with a resolution to live more outrageously in the New
Year. Take some kind of radical action. Change your hair color, learn to
tango, or audition for a musical. Improve your life dramatically with a
big change. For example, make a move to a warmer climate rather than
complaining once again about the cold and snow of winter. Decide to stop
living like a roommate with your spouse and get the professional help you
need to either fix the relationship or move on. Don't allow yourself to
spend one more year in a dead-end, soulless job. Update your resume,
contact several recruiters and put your search for something better into
high gear.
This year's final message is simple: Stop being so good and well behaved.
Let loose and live *your* life. Open your heart. Feel more. Give your soul
a chance to dance, sing, paint, cry, rant, rave or love more passionately.
Forget about doing it "right" in the New Year. Do it "happy" instead ;).
~*~ Take Action Challenge ~*~
Do something completely outrageous to celebrate the New Year (and tell me
about it next year!).
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الصفحة الأخيرة