السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
عندي نشاط وابيه بعرض بوربوينت
يعني يكون قصه
او حوار
مو ضروري يكون عدد الشرائح كثيرة
المشكله عندي اختبارات وضغط ومو قادرةاوفق بينهم
ياليت تساعدوني فيه
والي ماتقدر بالعرض ممكن تعطيني القصه او الحوار
وانا احاول اسويه
phone messages
or money
or negotiating
or marketing
هاذي الوحدات الي عندي ابي عرض على وحده منها ياليت الي بتساعدني
واكون شاكرة لكم
اتمنى مساعدتكم :35:
عشقي خلودي @aashky_khlody
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
ياهلا وغلا
الله يعطيك الف عافيه
بس ياليت تكون المحادثه اطول علشان صووور العرض
وعذرا اذا تعبتك معي
الله يعطيك الف عافيه
بس ياليت تكون المحادثه اطول علشان صووور العرض
وعذرا اذا تعبتك معي
عندي كتاب محادثات وفيه محادثة بين رجل اعمال ومندوب اذا تبيها خبريني
وبالنسبة عن المني برضو فيه محادثة عنالشؤون المالية والمحاسبة والاقتصاد فخبريني اذا تبغي
وبالنسبة عن المني برضو فيه محادثة عنالشؤون المالية والمحاسبة والاقتصاد فخبريني اذا تبغي
وهاذي محادثة عندي ع الجهاز قبل كم يوم حفظتها
Jayna: I have an idea for creating buzz about our new product.
Maksym: What is it?
Jayna: I think we should use viral marketing. We can spread information about the product quickly and among the most likely customers.
Maksym: I really don’t understand it. How would we do viral marketing?
Jayna: Well, the key is to get plugged into a few people who have large social net****s already, such as bloggers and other people with popular websites. We get them talking about the product on their websites and people who visit those sites will tell their friends about it, and they will in turn tell their friends, and so on. If we use these existing social net****s, news about our product will spread very quickly.
Maksym: What about the cost?
Jayna: That’s just it. It’s very low- cost because it ****s through word of mouth.
Maksym: That sounds promising. Why don’t you put together a short presentation about it to present at the department meeting on Friday?
Jayna: Great. I’ll get ****ing on it right away. I think it’s going to transform the way we reach our customers.
Maksym: I appreciate your enthusiasm, but let’s see how it goes over with the rest of the department on Friday.
Jayna: Sure thing.
Jayna: I have an idea for creating buzz about our new product.
Maksym: What is it?
Jayna: I think we should use viral marketing. We can spread information about the product quickly and among the most likely customers.
Maksym: I really don’t understand it. How would we do viral marketing?
Jayna: Well, the key is to get plugged into a few people who have large social net****s already, such as bloggers and other people with popular websites. We get them talking about the product on their websites and people who visit those sites will tell their friends about it, and they will in turn tell their friends, and so on. If we use these existing social net****s, news about our product will spread very quickly.
Maksym: What about the cost?
Jayna: That’s just it. It’s very low- cost because it ****s through word of mouth.
Maksym: That sounds promising. Why don’t you put together a short presentation about it to present at the department meeting on Friday?
Jayna: Great. I’ll get ****ing on it right away. I think it’s going to transform the way we reach our customers.
Maksym: I appreciate your enthusiasm, but let’s see how it goes over with the rest of the department on Friday.
Jayna: Sure thing.
الصفحة الأخيرة
Michaela do you have change for a dollar?
Brian:Yes, you're in luck. I do have some. What do you need it for?
Michaela:I need some change for the bus.
Brian:How do you want it?
Michaela:I need a couple of quarters and five dimes
Nora:how are you?
Sara:i'm fine
Nora Don't forget our appointment on Sturday
,Sara:Can we postpone our appointment?
Let's see if we can find another day when we could get together
Nora ok,no problem
السلام اختي
اذا شفتي ان هالمحادثه ماساعدتك قولي لي
اسوي لك وابحث لك عن ثانيه
ولاتحرميني من دعواتك