السلام عليكم
بدخل في الوضوع على طول اللي شاطره في الانجليزي ممكن تصحح لي التعبير واذا فيه اضافات ممكن تضيفها عليه ؛التعبير هو عن شركه تقدم خدماتها لزبائنها
ToshiPa Company
Toshipa is glopal consumer products company.It produces a lot of new laptops.It has catalogue you can See all our products online. The company offers free delivery service for the customers .For orders thirty bounds otherwise we charge three pounds ninety .The delivery we do next day on orders over thirty pounds .Other orders take one week.We do deliver only in Saudi Arabia.The customers can experience products within one day and return in the same day.
الله يوفق ويرزق اللي ترد علي من حيث لا تحتسب

ALNOHA @alnoha
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
الصفحة الأخيرة
Toshiba Company
Toshiba is a global consumer products company. It produces a lot of new laptops. It has a catalog that you can See all its products online. The company offers free delivery service for the customers. For thirty pounds orders, it charges ninety three pounds . The delivery it does on the next day is for orders over thirty pounds .Other orders take one week to arrive. It delivers in Saudi Arabia only. The customers can experience products within one day and return at the same day.