
إيروكا @ayroka

محررة ذهبية

ممكن قصة قصيرة

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اهلين بنات كيفكم

الله يعافيكم ابغى قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي يعني مابغاها طويلة يكفي تكون 8اسطر
دورت ولاحصلت االله يعافيكم اللي عندها تعطيني


يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

there was once a little mouse that always envied the bats because they can fly.one day the little mouse left his home because he was dissatisfied with his family.suddenly he was stopped by a fairy who told him she could grant him any wish his heart desired. ofcourse our little friend did not hesitate to ask for wings so he can fly.and so the fairy waved her wand and gave him wings.happily,the little mouse ran back to his home to show his family his new wings.sadly,to his surprise, his family did not welcome him back because he was no longer a normal mouse. angrily, the little mouse left his family and decided to search for the bats and live with them. yet when the bats saw how awkward the little mouse looked,they laughed at him and also did not welcome him.by now, our little friend realised that no one wanted him because he is not a mouse nor a bat,and it is all his fault. he knew now that one should always be oneself, and be comfortable in one's skin.suddenly, he woke up to realise it was only a dream, but one with an important lesson.
هي قصة عن فأر غير راضي بنفسه و يتمنى ان يملك جناحين ليطير كالوطاويط. و عندما تصادفه جنية تعطيه جناحين و لكن بعدها لا يكون لا فأر و لا وطواط و نتيجة ذلك ان لا احد يريده.في الأخير يكتشف انه حلم ولكن ذو درس قيم.
كلام الحب
كلام الحب
leeما قصرت

شوفي هذا الرابط فيه قصص وبالترجمه

lee lee :
there was once a little mouse that always envied the bats because they can fly.one day the little mouse left his home because he was dissatisfied with his family.suddenly he was stopped by a fairy who told him she could grant him any wish his heart desired. ofcourse our little friend did not hesitate to ask for wings so he can fly.and so the fairy waved her wand and gave him wings.happily,the little mouse ran back to his home to show his family his new wings.sadly,to his surprise, his family did not welcome him back because he was no longer a normal mouse. angrily, the little mouse left his family and decided to search for the bats and live with them. yet when the bats saw how awkward the little mouse looked,they laughed at him and also did not welcome him.by now, our little friend realised that no one wanted him because he is not a mouse nor a bat,and it is all his fault. he knew now that one should always be oneself, and be comfortable in one's skin.suddenly, he woke up to realise it was only a dream, but one with an important lesson.
there was once a little mouse that always envied the bats because they can fly.one day the little...
مشكووورة يالغلا



استاذتنا ماتحب اللي كذا يعني خيالية فيها جنة

اخاف تفشلني :angry2:

عندك غيرها<<<<<<<<<<طرارة وتتشرط
leeما قصرت شوفي هذا الرابط فيه قصص وبالترجمه http://forum.hawaaworld.com/showthread.php?t=801393
leeما قصرت شوفي هذا الرابط فيه قصص...
جزاك الله
خير فتحت الرابط
ماشفت قصص
فيه محاثات وغيرها بس مافيه قصص
