السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
خواتي الله يجزاكم خير ممكن اترجمون لي هذي القطع واكون شاكره لكم:27:
I registered for a class Introduction to Islam. This class
brought back all the concerns I had about Christianity. As I learned about Islam. all my questions were answered. All of us are not punished for Adams original sin. Adam asked God for forgiveness and our Merciful and Loving God forgave him. Jesus wasn’t God, he was a prophet like all other prophets. They all taught the same message. Believe in the one true God. Worship and submit to God alone. And live a righteous live according to the guidance He sent. I found a teaching that put everything in its proper perspective. I found a place to rest my faith.
I traveled West Africa as a volunteer and stayed three months. In that time. I met true Musiims. When they heard the call to prayer. They ran to mosque. If someone had extra money. He gave it to some one less fortunate. The name of Allah was always on their tongues.
I became very sick and had to be evacuated to a hospital. I had on one to comfort me. All I could do was pray. I prayed almost constantly for three days. I remembered the conversion story of Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens ) he was drowning and promised Allah he would devote his life to Him if Allah spared his life. I did the same. Within two days. I was back in village with my Muslim friends.
I was miserable when I returned o the U.S I could no longer function in a society so for removed from what I wanted. Finally 21. 1998.I converted

..ريماس.. @rymas_25
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

الصفحة الأخيرة
والله يعطيك العافيه
وفعلا الجمله الأخيره ناقصه وهذي هي Finally. on January 21. 1998.I converted