ممكن مراجعة وتصحيح لتعبيري ضروري

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم

ممكن احد يتراجع تعبيري لان احسه خرابيط خاصة اللي بالاحمر

it is quite common today for Students Upon entering the university's or master's study,
Apply for a Scholarships, Getting them Degree from a prestigious university. In my point of view, I think it is wonderful.

At the same time, may cause us problems, Example Instead of going to the study, Go for fun and freedom from parental restrictions. especially Young. Above all may be freedom from religion restrictions. Moreover, Affect to social personality
No wonder if we say that Scholarships has good positive effects on us. in scholarship
When I choose the disciplines
, is not found in the country.

Finally, I'm not against this idea, I'd not say it's a good 100%. but That depends Over the maturity of the person


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