بنات جدة @bnat_gd
عضوة فعالة
ممكن مساعدة
عندي اختبار انجليزي وطالبين مني حادث سيربأضراره وحادث سقوط او اختناق واحتاج اكتب بس ماعرف موقع ينزلي هذا الموضوع ويحولي لي انجليزي ممكن تساعدوني اذا امكنتم وجزاكم الله خير:(
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

متى محتاجة الموضوع اختي؟

أختي هذا موضوع عن حادث سيارة وهمي من تأليفي. اتمنى أن يساعدك ويوضح لك الفكرة. سأكتفي بكتابة النص بالانجليزية . إذا احتجت أي توضيح انا تحت أمرك
yesterday as I was about to leave the house, I saw a fatal car accident. There were so many ambulance and police cars. I asked one of the ladies , who witnessed the accident, how the accident took place. The victim was driving in the left lane when he was suddenly hit by a car trying to overtake him. The other driver's car was badly damaged and he died in the scene of the accident. The victim was in a critical condition and was rushed to the intensive care unit in the nearest hospital
يتخطى \ يتجاوز سيارة= overtake
yesterday as I was about to leave the house, I saw a fatal car accident. There were so many ambulance and police cars. I asked one of the ladies , who witnessed the accident, how the accident took place. The victim was driving in the left lane when he was suddenly hit by a car trying to overtake him. The other driver's car was badly damaged and he died in the scene of the accident. The victim was in a critical condition and was rushed to the intensive care unit in the nearest hospital
يتخطى \ يتجاوز سيارة= overtake

بنات جدة
تسلمي ياعمري شكرا جزيلا انقذتي من مأزق الله يسعدك وفي اي وقت اذا احتجتي في شئ اساعدك انا حاضرة ماعدا الللغة الإنجليزية وجزاك الله خيرا

الصفحة الأخيرة