السلام عليكم
عندي مقطع صغير وابي اترجمه للأنجليزي الله يعافيكم الي تقدر تساعدني
دخلت على مواقع الترجمه بس بعض الكلمات يتركها بالعربي مايتجمها مادري ليش
((كل إنسان يملك مجموعه من الأمنيات ويتمنى تحقيقها وأنا أتمنى ان انهي دراستي الثانويه والجامعيه واصبح معلمه للأطفال في الروضه لأني احب الأطفال ومافيهم من براءه وطفوله))
الشباصه الذهبيه @alshbash_althhbyh
محررة برونزية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
يا اختي هذه الترجمه ممكن تكون اسهلك واقرب :
every human being has his own wishes that he wants to fullfil, my wish is to continue my education in highschool and in the university and to become a teacher for children in kindergarten because i love children and thier innocence
every human being has his own wishes that he wants to fullfil, my wish is to continue my education in highschool and in the university and to become a teacher for children in kindergarten because i love children and thier innocence
الصفحة الأخيرة
Each human possesses his total from the hopes and wishes its achievement and I wish I to you forbid my secondary and university study and his teacher of the children became in the kindergarten because I loved the children and what in them from an innocence and a childhood
تحيااااتي لك