السلام عليكم كيفكم بنات ؟ فن لونج موفقه ان شاء الله في الاختبارات شدي حيلش مس مرفت بصراحه الدرس الاخير شل عقلي:08: خاصتا الرسمه تقريبا 10 مرات افك وافتح حتى في نومي افكر كيف احل هال المشكله ههههههههههه حتى مرات و انا اغسل :3_13_12: احاول افك الشفره خخخخخخخخخخ بس ظبقت الواجب ابغى منك مس مرفت الدرس حق الرسمه بالفيديوا لو عندك او اشرحيلي مره تانيه اسفه طولت عليكي هده الرسمه بس غلظ من جهه اليمين
السلام عليكم كيفكم بنات ؟ فن لونج موفقه ان شاء الله في الاختبارات شدي حيلش مس مرفت بصراحه...
السلام عليكم

غرزة الشبكة طالعة معك بتجنن روعة القلب مو كثير هو لانك مستعجلة بالنتيجة الان مالح نعيد نفس القلب فيه بالصورة قلب اخر اصعب شوية فكي الرموز سطر سطر واشتغليهم :30: شرييييييييييرة انا

احب انك تختمي الدرس الاخير بالدورة بمستوى كل تطبيقاتك السابقة واذا ترجمتي الرسمة لوحدك حصححلك الشغل وحتدعيلي لانه كل باترن فيه تخريم من الان فصاعدا حتعرفي تشتغليه موفقة ياقمر
يابنات انا سويت وحده بالتريكو وطلعت مرة كبيرة ودي اسوي تلبيسه مصحف لي كيف الخطوات ممكن انتظرك بالرد علي ممكن الله يعافيكم ويسلمكم يارب
يابنات انا سويت وحده بالتريكو وطلعت مرة كبيرة ودي اسوي تلبيسه مصحف لي كيف الخطوات ممكن انتظرك...
الصراحة انا ما شفت الوحدة اللي اشتغلتيهاممكن تعيدي تحميل الصورة وبدنا قياس المصحف وقياس عدد الغرز في ال سم الواحد راجعي الدرس ماقبل الاخير وهو تحديد عدد غرز البداية لتعرفي كيف تحددي مقاس الشغل تماما
اختي العزيزه اهلا بعودتك الكريمه الذى اقصده هوالشراب او الحذاء الموجود في الدروس في الصفحه 2 لو تكرمتي ممكن تشرحينه لاني حابه اشرك معكم بس في شئ استفيد منه ولكي مني كل الحب وجزاك الله خيرا
اختي العزيزه اهلا بعودتك الكريمه الذى اقصده هوالشراب او الحذاء الموجود في الدروس في الصفحه 2 لو...
اهلين اختي هل هذا قصدك :

How to Knit Children's Slippers

I've been asked by a number of people to convert my knitted adult slipper pattern to child sizes and as promised, here it is! I've made the pattern fit children's feet from a small size 5 up to a teen size 5. That means you can make a slipper to fit feet that measure 5 1/4" to 9" long. Anything larger than that can be made with my other free pattern entitled How to Knit a Pair of Slippers. And just like that pattern, I've included links to all the knitting stitches you need to make the slippers. By clicking the links you'll go to my YouTube channel and I will show you how to do the required stitch or technique.

As an added bonus, I've recently converted this pattern further. It is now available as a FREE download on my website here: How to Knit Children's Slippers. You can download it for any device including Kindle, iPad, iPod, Nook, Kobo, Sony Reader, your computer and more!

A couple of quick notes before you get started...be sure to use the correct size when ending the toe. The number of stitches knitted together differ depending on the size. Be sure to find the one that is for the size of slipper you are making. Scroll down the page to find the size you need. The same holds true for forming the heel flap. Be sure you pick up the right number of stitches or the heel flap won't be the right length.

Without further ado, let's get knitting!

Things you will need:

200 gr of worsted weight yarn (usually this is a lot less but better to have too much).

Set of 2 size 5
( US size 8) knitting needles or whatever size to obtain correct gauge.

Gauge: 12 rows stockinette = 2"
9 stitches stockinette = 2"
Be sure to check your gauge to obtain correct sizing!

I've also provided a basic size guide for the slippers.
Child shoe size Foot length
5-6 5 1/4”
7-8 6”
9-10 6 9/16”
11-12 7 1/4”
13-1 8”
2-3 8 9/16”
4-5 9”

Sizes are listed for children's sizes as follows:
5-6 (7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-1, 2-3, 4-5)

Cast on 23 (23, 28, 28, 33, 33, 36)

Row 1: Knit across.

Row 2: Knit 7 (7, 9, 9, 11, 11, 11) P1 Knit 7 (7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 12) P1 Knit 7 (7, 9, 9, 11, 11, 11). Repeat rows 1 and 2 for 22 (24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34) rows TOTAL.

Shape toe:

Next Row: With right side of **** facing you P1 *(K1 P1) Repeat from *2 (2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4) more times K9 (K9, K10, K10, K11, K11, K14) *(P1 K1) Repeat from *2 (2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4) more times. P1 {This is K1 P1 Ribbing.}

Next Row: With wrong side facing you *(K1 P1) Repeat from *3(3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5) more times K7 (K7, K8, K8, K9, K9, K12) *(P1 K1) Repeat from *3 (3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5) more times.

Repeat these 2 rows for 12 (12, 16, 16, 18, 18, 20) more rows. 14 (14, 18, 18, 20, 20, 22) rows ribbed TOTAL.

End toe for size 5-6 and 7-8

Next Row: With right side facing K2tog 11 times. K1. (12 stitches remaining)

Next Row: P5 K3 P4

Next Row: K2tog 6 times. (6 stitches. remaining)

Next Row: P3 K1 P2

Last Row: Draw yarn through loops and pull together to form toe. Sew seam up to start of ribbed stitches.

End toe for sizes 9-10, and 11-12

Next Row: With right side facing K2tog 7 times. K1. K2tog 6 times. K1. (15 stitches remaining)

Next Row: P6 K4 P5

Next Row: K2tog 7 times K1. (8 stitches remaining)

Next Row: P4 K2 P2

Last Row: Draw yarn through loops and pull together to form toe. Sew seam up to start of ribbed stitches.

End toe for size 13-1 and 2-3

Next Row: With right side facing K2tog 16 times. K1. (17 stitches remaining)

Next Row: P7 K4 P6

Next Row: K2tog 8 times K1. (9 stitches remaining)

Next Row: P4 K2 P3

Last Row: Draw yarn through loops and pull together to form toe. Sew seam up to start of ribbed stitches.

End toe for sizes 4-5

Next Row: With right side facing K2tog 9 times. K1. K2tog 8 times K1. (19 stitches remaining)

Next Row: P7 K6 P6

Next Row: K2tog 9 times K1. (10 stitches remaining)

Next Row: P4 K3 P3

Last Row: Draw yarn through loops and pull together to form toe. Sew seam up to start of ribbed stitches.

To form back flap of heel:

For sizes 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12

With right side of **** facing you pick up 10 sts between the fold lines that mark the sole of the slipper.

Row 1: Knit across.

Row 2: Knit across.

Row 3: K2tog K6 K2tog.

Row 4: Knit across.

Row 5: Knit across.

Row 6: K2tog K4 K2tog.

Row 7: Knit across.

Row 8: Knit across.

Row 9: K2tog K2 K2tog.

Row 10: Knit across.

Row 11: Knit across.

Row 12: K2tog 2 times

Row 13: Knit.

Row 14: Knit

Bind off

Sew up seems for heel flap. **** in ends. Make another slipper to match.

Heel flap for slippers size 13-1, 2-3, 4-5

With right side of **** facing you pick up 12 sts between the fold lines that mark the sole of the slipper

Row 1: Knit across.

Row 2: Knit across.

Row 3: K2tog K8 K2tog.

Row 4: Knit across.

Row 5: Knit across.

Row 6: K2tog K6 K2tog.

Row 7: Knit across.

Row 8: Knit across.

Row 9: K2tog K4 K2tog.

Row 10: Knit across.

Row 11: Knit across.

Row 12: K2tog K2 K2tog.

Row 13: Knit across.

Row 14: Knit across.

Row 15: K2tog 2 times.

Row 16: Knit across.

Row 17: Knit across.

Bind off.

Sew up seems for heel flap. **** in ends. Make another slipper to match.

If you love handmade slippers but just don't have the time to make them I am always selling them. You can use this convenient link to see all of my hand knit slippers in both adult and child sizes available in my Etsy shop.

ام هذاااااااااااااااااااااا

How to Knit a Pair of Slippers

I've decided to share one of my most favourite things to knit...slippers just like Grandma used to make. I've given the pattern so any one can create them for adults from a woman's size 7-12 or a man's 6-11. You can also download the pattern for FREE on my website here: How to Knit Slippers. You can download it for any device such as a Kindle, iPad, Nook, Kobo, Sony, or your computer.

As my latest addition, I've also converted this pattern to children's sizes. You can use this link to see my FREE children's knitted slippers pattern. Both of these patterns are great to practice if you are a new knitter. Make sure you maintain the correct gauge! The sizing for the slippers is based on it. If you match your gauge to mine then the sizing should **** out correctly.

I've also created a video playlist for all the knitting stitches you need to make these slippers. You can view it at my How to Knit Slippers playlist on YouTube. Make sure you allow for pop-ups on your computer! All the links on this page open in a new page so you won't lose this one.

I've also added links to the specific stitches that you need within the pattern itself. For example, if you forget how to gather stitches to form the toe, there's a link right there to go to the video.

Don't think you can make these yourself? Or maybe you would like some examples. Either way you can either go this this page where I sell my slippers at a discount, or you can check them out in my Etsy shop.

Things you will need:
200 gr of worsted weight yarn

Set of 2 size 5 ( US size 8) knitting needles or whatever size to obtain correct gauge.

Gauge: 12 rows stockinette = 2"
9 stitches stockinette = 2"
Be sure to check your gauge to obtain correct sizing!

Slippers are given for a woman's size 7-8 (9-10, 11-12)
or man's sizes 6-7 (8-9, 10-11). The foot lengths of a man's size 6-7 are about the same as that of a woman's size 7-8 and so on.

Cast on 40 sts

Row 1: Knit across.

Row 2: K13 P1 K12 P1 K13

Repeat rows 1 and 2 for 36 (42, 48) more times.

Shape toe:

Next Row: With right side of **** facing you P1 *(K1 P1) Repeat from * 5 more times K14 *(P1 K1) Repeat from * 5 more times. P1 {This is K1 P1 Ribbing.}

Next Row: With wrong side facing you *(K1 P1) Repeat from * 6 more times K12 *(P1 K1) Repeat from * 6 more times.

Repeat these 2 rows for 22 (26, 30) more rows. 24 (28, 32) rows ribbed TOTAL.

Next Row: With right side facing K2tog 12 times. K1. K2tog 7 times P1. 21 stitches remaining.

Next Row: P8 K6 P7

Next Row: K2tog 10 times. K1. 11 stitches.

Next Row: P5 K3 P3.

Last Row: Draw yarn through loops and pull together to form toe. Sew seam up to start of ribbed stitches.

To form back flap of heel:

With right side of **** facing you pick up 14 stitches between the fold lines that mark the sole of the slipper.

Row 1: Knit across.

Row 2: Knit across.

Row 3: K2tog K10 K2tog. 12 stitches

Row 4: Knit across.

Row 5: Knit across.

Row 6: K2tog K8 K2tog. 10 stitches.

Row 7: Knit across.

Row 8: Knit across.

Row 9: K2tog K6 K2tog. 8 stitches

Row 10: Knit across.

Row 11: Knit across.

Row 12: K2tog K4 K2tog. 6 stitches.

Row 13: Knit across.

Row 14: Knit across.

Row 15: K2tog K2 K2tog. 4 stitches

Row 16: Knit across.

Row 17: Knit across.

Row 18: K2tog twice. 2 stitches.

Row 19: Knit across.

Bind off

Sew up seems for heel flap. **** in ends. Make another to match.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment or send me your questions at kweenbee_crafts@hotmail.ca.

I've also made this pattern available through Smashwords for FREE! Smashwords offers this in a variety of formats and can be used on Kindle, Kobo, Nook, iPad, your computer, etc. In other words, on every device that's out there. You can follow this link to learn How to Knit Slippers. The link will open in a new window so you won't lose this page. Be sure to allow pop-ups on your computer!

I also have two other versions of slippers available as eBooks for Kindle. The first is Easy to Knit Slippers. This is a great pattern if you are a novice knitter and uses the same basic stitches as the slipper pattern shown here. The pattern gives instructions to make slippers from a woman's size 6 to a man's size 14.

Due to digital copyright laws, I'm not at liberty to sell any other type of digital copies of this pattern other than through Amazon. If you don't have a Kindle or would prefer to have it on your computer, you can always download the free Kindle for PC App. With this handy little item, you can read any Kindle book that is out there!

The second slipper pattern on Kindle is How to Make Slippers Just Like Granny Made and also as a downloadable PDF. It also includes instructions to make up to a men's size 13 slipper. Both of these versions are a bit quicker to make, take a bit less yarn and aren't as thick on the sole of the foot.

Like all of my patterns you have my permission to sell and/or give away the slippers that you make using this pattern. You are NOT permitted to reprint this pattern in any form unless you have obtained my written permission to do so. If you would like to link back, that always awesome and feel free to do so. Happy knitting!!
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