من تساعدني في تلخيصة لها دعوة في ظهر الغيب

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم
اخواتي اريد اختصار اكثر لهذا الموضوع بحيث لايفقد المعنى واستخدام كلمات اسهل وقرامر صحيح

Sonnet 33 describes the separation of the poet and the youth. This has started all because off the jealousy and the involvement of the youth’s beloved, which he mentions in other sonnets. As a result, during the poet’s absence, trust and loyalty has gone between the two men. In this sonnet he changed his opinion and said that his friend has done a very big mistake. In earlier sonnets the poet was worried that his poetry was not good enough to express his great love to his friend, but now he’s wandering whether the young man is as good as the poetry expressed. However, the poet’s love for the young man remains the same, although he has betrayed him.
The poet’s feelings are changed in sonnet 34. He is confused and shocked of how the youth was very cruel and left apart their friendship. His writings how much he was hurt of the youth and that the scar and the way he was hurt would never disappear. But, at the end, he couldn’t stay angry at the youth and shows his loyalty towards him, and therefore he forgives him in the final couplet. In the other hand,
in sonnet 33, the poet plays a role as a watcher only, while in sonnet 34 and 35, he recognizes his part to the youth’s mistake in the excuses that he has made for him in the past. Therefore the poet starts with similar feelings
in sonnet 35, and forgives the youth and supports his betrayal. However the unusual thing in this sonnet is that the poet blames himself for the youth’s mistake more than the young man himself, as he finds himself responsible and guilty, as he had made a big deal of the problem.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

وينكم اخواتي
رياح الغربة
رياح الغربة
عزيزتي احس انه مختصر كذا ولو اختصرت اكثر يفقد معناه شوفي اذا تبغين يسهل عليك بالمذاكرة ترجميه للعربي وافهميه بعدين عبري باسلوبك يصير سهل عليك
هلا بك اختي رياح
لو اني قدرت احفظة بصورتة هاذي كان مانزلتة هنا
لكن المشكلة انة مستواي ضعيف بالقرامر علشان كذا مااقدر اعبر
اذا تقدرين
ساعديني يالغالية
هلا بك اختي رياح
لو اني قدرت احفظة بصورتة هاذي كان مانزلتة هنا
لكن المشكلة انة مستواي ضعيف بالقرامر علشان كذا مااقدر اعبر
اذا تقدرين
ساعديني يالغالية
رياح الغربة
رياح الغربة
صراحة اقولك طريقتي بحفظ شرح القصائدكنت اقسم paragraphاذا كان صفحة الى ثلاث اقسام بحيث تكون كل مجموعة لها نفس الفكرة واترجمه للعربي وبعدين اطلع الكلمات الصعبة وحفظ املاءها ومعناهااحفظ كل جملة لحالها وكذا اكون فاهمتهاومنتبهة للزمن يعني هل هو ماضي اومضارع والله مافادت معي الا هالطريقة واذا عندك برنامج الوافي للترجمة دخلي النص ويطلع لك ترجمته