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lee :
الوردة الشامية جزاها الله خير كفت ووفت في الترجمة الرائعة. اجوبة الأسئلة: 1) suggested titles Saladin:the noble warrior the knight of islam saladin's chivalry 2) saladin was born in 1138 and died in 1193. He raised the status of islam during his time. He was an honourable warrior who never broke his word no matter what 3) The writer is Steven Runciman, a western writer. This shows the authenticity of Saladin's noble and heroic life's history that even westerners admit it 4) antonyms low: high died:lived ascendant:subordinate triumph:loss pitiless:merciful foes:friends forgive:condemn wrong:right 5) Saladin was 55 when he died 6) Saladin was a great man of islam.he was honourable with both moslems and non-moslems.He was a chivalric hero even western historians stand in awe of him لا تنسينا من دعواتك..الوردة الشامية جزاها الله خير كفت ووفت في الترجمة الرائعة. اجوبة الأسئلة: 1) suggested...