The Sex Of Your Baby
If used according to directions before pregnancy, the GenSelect Fully Integrated System allows you to choose the gender of your baby, or your money back.
How GenSelect Works
We provide a FDA-approved, Fully Integrated System to influence the gender of your next baby with a 96% success rate when used according to directions.
The Kits allow customers to modify the body chemistries of both mother and father according to scientifically-proven clinical tests to influence the gender of their next child before they conceive.
Read more information about our boy and girl gender selection kits.
Every (Boy or Girl) Kit Includes
Proprietary, specially-formulated, all-natural nutriceuticals (no pharmaceuticals, doctors, or prescriptions required)
Dietary guidelines for mothers and fathers
Intercourse timing aids and instruction
Vaginal environment adjustment aids and instruction
Exclusive customer access to one of the largest online pregnancy manuals and databases worldwide
Free online and telephone support for all customers through the duration of their preconception

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