موضه الاذان الجديده

الاستفسارات الجماليه

Surgically Created Elf Ears – Ear Pointing



hing new especially with the fascination and popularity of tattos and piercings. But this takes body modification to a new and some would say creative level. The procedure is called “ear pointing” and involves removing a wedge of tissue near your ear tip. The remaining to ends are then sewn or sutured together to give you a nice pointed ear resembling your favorite elf or for Star Trek fans, your favorite Vulcan character.

If you are interesting in having the surgical procedure done to enhance or de-enhance your social life, there are a few practitioners who can help such as Steve Haworth, who is credited with inventing the body modification of ear pointing. If you have the pain threshold and the time (healing can take months) then send us you photos of your ear pointing new look.

If you have the stomach for it, you can see the ear pointing procedure in the video at the bottom. The is a fair amount of blood, so be warned.

If you have the stomach for it, you can see the ear pointing procedure in the video below. Fair amount of blood, so be warned.

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انا دلع الولع
انا دلع الولع
الحمدلله والشكر يارب لاتبلانا وتهديهم
كل شي طلعو له عمليات تجميل مابقى إلا آلاذان وهذاهم سوها
يارب لاتخسف بنا وترحمنا برحمته و ربنا لاتوخذنا بما فعل السفاء منا
ما ادري وش اقول لك بس شي مايوصف بصراحه اللله لا يبلانا
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آهات شآمخه
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انا اقولهم بدال التقطيع اللي مسوينه كان ماخذين اذان البسس افضل لهم ههههههههههه