موضوع عن دولة باللغةE

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم ...بنات أبغى الآن ضروري وعاجلا واليوم موضوع عن دولة باللغة E ويكون حول موقع الدولة عدد السكان المساحة وأهم المدن -اللغة- الجنسية-العملة-الديانات-بم تشتهر الدولة-وأي معلومات أخرى مطلوب اليوم وتسليمه بكرا فرجولي الله يوفقكم.
بنات خيار الدولة مفتوح ممكن خليجية طبعا غير السعودية عربية أجنبية أوروبية أي شي تكفوووووووووووووووووون.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

ملـ الأحـس ـاس ـكة

Site .. Italy is the continent of Europe and specifically in Southern Europe,

Area ... Italy has an area of 301,230 km 2

Population .... Has a population of 58,133,509 people.

DC .. Rome

Currency .. Euro

Religion .... The number of Roman Catholics about 90% of the population, and the rest are Protestants, Jews, Muslims, it is known that the Vatican City, which lies within Rome is the seat of government of the Church Romanian Catholic, they are independent of the State of Italy.

Cities and tourism in Italy .... There are many places of interest, which is a big attraction for many tourists, many of these are concentrated in Rome, monuments of this historic city, which is considered one of the reception of tourists in the world and recall of landmarks St Peter's Square, Vatican Museums,

In the city of Pisa, tourists can see the Leaning Tower of Pisa, which is one of the wonders of view of his position resulting from the decline in italics beneath the ground and collapse to expect too much but it is still a firm to come by because many tourists to see,

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