السلام عليكم
ان شاء الله يارب تكن جميعا بألف خير
من جربت فيكم جهاز donna ياريت تخبرنى هل نافع أم لا :(

غصن المحبة @ghsn_almhb
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

اول مره اسمع عنه اذا احد عنده خبره ياليت يعلمنا

كل ما تريدين معرفته عن هدا الجهاز تفضلي
DONNA® Ovulation Tester is actually a mini microscope that is so simple to use, and allows a woman to examine her own saliva samples in order to determine her ACTUAL times of ovulation - know 1, 2, or up to 3 days BEFORE you ovulate!
Anytime!! Anywhere!!
Easy to use
98% accuracy
See results in 15 minutes
Use daily for 12 months
Originally from Italy since 1994
Sold in over 30 countries
Only product available in its market
DONNA® Fertility Tester is a mini microscope made up of a small cylindrical body where a sample of saliva is applied.
DONNA® is the size of a basic lipstick applicator and takes only minutes to discover if a woman is fertile or not within her monthly cycle. During fertile days, a sample of saliva resembles "ferns", while during all other days only shapeless, "dotted" structures can be seen.
DONNA® "saliva" fertility test gives 98% accuracy results in 5-10 minutes.
No messy applications
No complicated charts
DONNA® is non-invasive, has no side effects, no chemicals, very discrete and is easy to use. DONNA® is also proven to be the most accurate form of ovulation predictors. Lifestyle pattern changes do not affect the results of the DONNA®. If, for example, your sleep cycle or stress level is altered, this will have no affect on the DONNA’s accuracy.
DONNA® Ovulation Tester is actually a mini microscope that is so simple to use, and allows a woman to examine her own saliva samples in order to determine her ACTUAL times of ovulation - know 1, 2, or up to 3 days BEFORE you ovulate!
Anytime!! Anywhere!!
Easy to use
98% accuracy
See results in 15 minutes
Use daily for 12 months
Originally from Italy since 1994
Sold in over 30 countries
Only product available in its market
DONNA® Fertility Tester is a mini microscope made up of a small cylindrical body where a sample of saliva is applied.
DONNA® is the size of a basic lipstick applicator and takes only minutes to discover if a woman is fertile or not within her monthly cycle. During fertile days, a sample of saliva resembles "ferns", while during all other days only shapeless, "dotted" structures can be seen.
DONNA® "saliva" fertility test gives 98% accuracy results in 5-10 minutes.
No messy applications
No complicated charts
DONNA® is non-invasive, has no side effects, no chemicals, very discrete and is easy to use. DONNA® is also proven to be the most accurate form of ovulation predictors. Lifestyle pattern changes do not affect the results of the DONNA®. If, for example, your sleep cycle or stress level is altered, this will have no affect on the DONNA’s accuracy.

الصفحة الأخيرة