
لمىوسمى @lmosm

محررة ماسية

مين يساعدني بترجمة هالقلب كروشيه

الكروشيه والتريكو

هذا هو المكتوب

You’ll need:
- yarn (any yarn will do, in this example I used a 100% acrylic yarn)
- crochet hook (size that matches your yarn)
- a little stuffing material

Ch = US chain stitch (Dutch: losse)
SC = US single crochet (UK: double crochet, Dutch: vaste)

Heart (make two):

SC in rows. Always make a Ch to turn (not mentioned in the pattern).
- 1 Ch, turn (yes, that means 2 Ch)
- 2 SC in first stitch, 1 SC, (= 3 stitches), turn
- 2 SC in first stitch, 2 SC (= 4 stitches), turn
- 2 SC in first stitch, 3 SC (= 5 stitches), turn
continue SC in rows (increase 1 SC in the first stitch of every row) untill you have 20 stitches, turn

first round part of the heart:
- 10 SC, turn
- SC, crochet the first two stitches (1,2) and the last two stitches (9,10) together (= 8 stitches)
- SC, crochet the first two stitches (1,2) and the last two stitches (7,8) together (= 6 stitches)
- SC, crochet the first two stitches (1,2) and the last two stitches (5,6) together (= 4 stitches)
- SC, crochet the first two stitches (1,2) and the last two stitches (3,4) together (= 2 stitches)
fasten off

second round part of the heart:
- re-attach in the 11th stitch of the 20 stitches row (right next to the first round part)
- 10 SC, turn
- continue like first round part
- weave in all ends

Crochet both hearts together in SC. Leave a small opening in one of the straight sides.
Lightly stuff the heart. Close the opening by crocheting more SC.
Weave in ends.

Have fun!


يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

ساره الحلوة
ساره الحلوة
الله يوفقكِ ..
موفقه حبيبتي
موفقه حبيبتي
موفقه حبيبتي
:27:السلام عليكم ورحمه الله
دا موقع لشرح طريقه لعمل شكل قلب بالكروشيه
ارجو انها تفيدك ولو الطريقه مش واضحه ابعتيلي علي الخاص اشرحهالك كتابه وان شاء الله تعجبك

